Hejsa eksperten
Er der nogen der gider sætte nogle forklaringer ind til denne kode?
using namespace std;
char ae=-111, oe=-101, aa=134;
string Crypt(const string& aIn)
static const char Arr1[] = "klmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghij";
static const char Arr2[] = "KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJ";
int idx;
string Out;
for(idx = 0; idx = 'a' && aIn[idx] = 'A' && aIn[idx] = 'a' && aIn[idx] = 'A' && aIn[idx] > x;
"Not working" is defined as your PC being reduced to a slab of molten metal and plastic. If that's not the case, be more specific!