Køb & Salg
Køb & Salg
Information er Danmarks største community for computer interesserede. Vi stræber efter at være steder hvor man kan få hjælp til sine computer relaterede problemer, lige som det er stedet hvor man kan have et fællesskab med andre med samme interesser.
Det er desuden vores mål at levere artikler og tests der er ærlige og retvisende.
Hvis du har et produkt du gerne vil have testet, så kan du altid henvende dig til Thomas på [email protected].
Reklameforespørgsler (Advertising)
Alle forespørgsler vedr reklamer på kan rettes til:
AnnonceansvarligThomas Eriksen
Tlf: +45 70223820
E-mail: [email protected]
Information in English is the largest computer related community in Denmark. We strive to be a place there you can get help with your computer related problems. It is also our intention to be the place where you can share your common interests with likeminded people.
If you have a product for us to review then contact Thomas at [email protected].
We do NOT! offer sponsored articles, its not fair to our users to waste their time with this kind of content. Also, we do NOT! update our forum posts with links to your blog so you can improve your placement on Google. So unless you are prepared to buy me a new car (and they are really expensive here in Denmark) don’t bother contacting about this, we will simply ignore your email.
We do however offer advertising on our site on using different banner formats as you can see on our site. All inquiries regarding current formats and price can be directed to
Thomas Eriksen
Tlf: +45 70223820
E-mail: [email protected]
Redaktionen (Writing Journalist)
Brugernavn | Navn | Funktion |
EXIA | Niels Bjørk Nørrelykke | |
Freak13 | MAG | |
Papaja | Kristian | |
Thomas | Thomas Eriksen | BOFH |
Fjummer | Claus | HOL Moderator |
kvist1992 | Thomas Nørlund Feltendahl Kvist | HOL Moderator |
Ronson | Rune | HOL Moderator |
stallemanden | Torben | HOL Moderator |
white | Heini Nielsen | Redaktør |
Azakiel | Jonas | Skribent |
Morten Schaksen | Mut_one | Skribent |
Vanillagorilla | Asbjørn | Skribent |