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4-way Cooler Review@AcidHardware

Skrevet af Christian Hegaard | 30-12-2001 14:58 | 1183 visninger | 0 kommentar
AcidHardware har kigget lidt på disse 4 hs: Zalman CNPS 3100-GOLD, Zalman CNPS 5001-Cu, Fortis A92 og så Fortis A102.

While the speeds of modern computers are increasing dramatically, they begin to produce more heat, requiring better cooling solutions for the processors. The AMD Athlon and Duron processors usually command better cooling than Intel processors.

Today we look at four coolers. Two of these are from Zalman, the CNPS 3100-GOLD and CNPS 5001-Cu, the others are the A92 and A102 from Fortis Technology.

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