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Soyo K7V Dragon Plus Socket A motherboard [email protected]

Skrevet af Christian Hegaard | 10-12-2001 17:28 | 1398 visninger | 0 kommentar
ja nu har også 3dspotlight fået deres fingere i et soyo k7v. som de vil gennemteste til din fornøjelse og bedere viden.....

Soyo aren't the first name that come into mind when considering the purchase of the new motherboard, largely because they involve themselves in the OEM section of the market a lot of the time. Soyo have been making motherboards for a long time, and have built up a reputation of being dependable, if nothing special.

Soyo's novelty named K7V Dragon Plus is one of the latest Via KT266a motherboards to come out, and superficially it would seem to be the most fully featured. The name is itself an acronym, with the initials for DDR, Raid, Audio, graphic, overclocking, network. Graphic is used liberally to describe the AGP port, and the Dragon Plus does not have integrated video. The Dragon Plus includes many more than features than my previous four Socket A boards, but does its performance live up to expectations? Let's find out...

læs hele testen her. Her

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