#2> Jeg har lige været inde og kigge på dem, og jeg må godt nok sige, Dell vinder... Jeg har prøvet at lave konfigurationerne så den passer med Dell's, og der koster Zepto's 13.722 kr. hvor Dell's koster 11.752 kr. Det er alligevel en besparelse på næsten 2k, og det er de samme ting der er i... Desuden er batteriet meget vigtigt for mig, da jeg ikke vil sidde midt i et foredrag, og min bærbar så går ud... Prøv og læs det review jeg poster nedenunder, det taler for sig selv ;)
Jeg har lige læst et online review af Inspiron 630M:
This laptop is an all around amazing machine. After owning a large, loud, and heavy desktop replacement, this compact notebook was a welcome addition. One of its best features are the 4 USB ports which allow for multiple devices to be plugged in at the same time (mouse/keyboard, external hard disk, external media device, printer, PDA, etc.). The display (if upgraded) is worth the extra money for the crisp, clear picture it provides. Another bonus is the "MediaDirect" feature that allows for the user to watch a DVD, play a CD, view photos, or display video camera videos without booting up windows! For those of you out there who have larger hands and worry that a thin and light may be cramping you style, I'm here to say that the 630m's comfortable full-sized keyboard provides more than enough room for those fingers of yours to type away without tripping over themselves. The fan is COMPLETELY inaudible, and keeps the laptop relatively cool. For those of you who would like to play a video game here and there this laptop will not please you. Though gaming cability IS possible, it is rough playing to say the least. It is important to remember, however, that this is NOT a gaming laptop. As such, it fulfills all requirements needed to have a productive day away from work, home, or school. Its 7+ hour battery life (upgrade) is another amazing bonus when you add it to the rest of these features listed above. Overall, Dell has hit a grand slam (pardon the cliche) with this laptop, and the only reason I did not give this notebook a perfect 10/10 was simply because I believe there is always room for improvement for ANY product.
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