Jeg hoppede på vogen og smidt penge i aktier.
Kan nogen hjælpe med at afkode en besked jeg har fået fra saxo.
Voluntary event updated:Security name:*Delisted 20210419 (G4S Plc); Event ID:8677850; Event
name:Tender/Acquisition/Takeover/Purchase Offer; Ex date:25-May-2021; Effective
date:25-May-2021; Deadline for electing:24-May-2021.
Synes jeg prøvede at være grundig i mine valg, og har læst meget omkring aktier, indexfonde, og ETF'er. Men var ikke lige forberedt på alt dette.
Jeg har købt aktier i g4s via den danske børs og nu er de blevet delisted. Jeg kan ikke sælge dem pt.
Sket er sket - og jeg har forstået at dette ikke er et specielt stort problem. Men de skal ”konverteres” på et tidspunkt, for at kunne sælges.
Via denne FAQ[...]
6.What will change if i do nothing?
You have the option of doing nothing and retain your G4S VP Interests. As G4S will cease to be listed on Nasdaq, you will after the completion of the Delisting not be able to sell your G4S VP Interests on Nasdaq (nor on the London Stock Exchange). As such, you will have an illiquid asset and will most likely need to convert yourG4S VP Interests into G4S shares, if and when you wish to sell your G4S VP Interests.
Please note that you will continue to be able to have your G4S VP Interests converted into the underlying G4S shares even after completion of the Delisting from Nasdaq.
All other rights for G4S VP Interest Holders will remain unchanged. Your G4S VP Interests will continue to be registered in VP, and Danske Bank will continue to serve as G4S' custodian bank.
If you choose to retain your G4S VP Interests, you will similarly retain the same shareholder rights as you have previously enjoyed, i.e. the right to vote and receive dividends etc. by way of your custodian bank at the request of Danske Bank.
Jeg er så også blevet opmærksom på at G4S nu er opkøbt af Allied Universal, hvordan påvirker det min situation…
Nerd is just a word used by people who can't pronounce intellectual.