"yahooo I got it to work :D After trying 6 different driver versions from laptopvideo2go.com (took some time) I then got a idea out of the blue expecting nothing of it, I went to the INF Enhancer (
http://laptopvideo2go.com[...] and choose the newest driver 178.13, and then choose quality over performance, and that was it, then I just used that inf and now Im using the newest driver PLUS I can see my video's in high quality hehe... OMG this problem was about to drive me nuts, I hate "small" problems that I know should work but just dosent :D
And thank you trashpickinman for answering, yes the vista update driver worked too but I just cant stand running such an old driver (16x.xx) :)"
undskyld for englesk men gad ikke lige oversætte det til dansk da jeg lige havde postet det på et andet forum ;)