Gå ned i en af deres butikker. De er overalt.
Jack Wade: You know that, officially, Uncle Sam is completely neutral in this turkey shoot.
James Bond: And unofficially?
Jack Wade: We have no interest in seeing World War III - unless we start it.
#1 Jeg bor i Trustrup nær Grenaa. Ikke en Blockbuster i miles omkreds.
Xenia Onatopp: Thank you, Mister...
James Bond: The name's Bond. James Bond.
2# Tror ikke du skal regne med at de har åbent. Helligdag du ved
Solitaire: Now what are you doing?
James Bond: Just being disarming, darling.
#3 fml
James Bond: Vijay, we've got company!
Vijay: No problem, this is a company car.
det er påske. så prøv igen imorgen
Dr. No: East, West, just points of the compass, each as stupid as the other.
De har vel lukket på telefonerne ligesom stort set alle andre firmaer på grund af påsken. Det samme gælder vel deres Onlineshop.
Blofeld: Good evening, Mr Bond.
James Bond: Blofeld?
Blofeld Double: Good evening, 007.
Blofeld: Double jeopardy, Mr Bond.