Frames per second Gameplay
60 FPS best possible gameplay
• So if a graphics card barely manages less than 30 FPS, then the game is not very playable, we want to avoid that at all cost.
• With 30 FPS up-to roughly 40 FPS you'll be very able to play the game with perhaps a tiny stutter at certain graphically intensive parts. Overall a very enjoyable experience. Match the best possible resolution to this result and you'll have the best possible rendering quality versus resolution, hey you want both of them to be as high as possible.
• When a graphics card is doing 60 FPS on average or higher then you can rest assured that the game will likely play extremely smoothly at every point in the game, turn on every possible in-game IQ setting.
• Over 100 FPS? You either have a MONSTER graphics card or a very old game.
120hz skærm giver nok kun fordel i first person shooter som cs, css osv.
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Så det ville være spild af penge at bruge 2000kr på en skærm bare for 120Hz, når det er til Diablo 3?
Bruger min iPhone til stortset alle svar jeg laver på, så evt. stave fejl kan forekomme.
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når de vågner om morgenen?
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Ikke for at nakke #0's tråd.
Men hvis man f.eks spiller meget CSS og diverse andre spil.
Er det så det værd at købe en 120hz skærm?
AMD Phenom X4 II 3,4GHz - GTX 570 - 120GB SSD - 500GB HDD - GA-990FXA-UD3 - Corsair Vengeance 8GB RAM
4# ingen anelse har ikke selv prøvet en 120hz skærm...
Tallene er meget teoretisk. mange siger at øjet ikke kan se mere end 30 fps. Men de glemmer altså at der er ujævnheder indtil man rammer 60 fps. Tilbage til det med 120hz er skærmens opdatering... hvis man har penge og er ligeglad med penge. Så er 120hz nok bedst til css :P
Men hvis man vil spare sine surt tjente penge. Er det nok ikke det værd.
Har personligt ikke selv prøvet det. Kunne være en med 120 erfaring kan svare det.
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når de vågner om morgenen?
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Ok :)
Har nemlig selv tænkt over at købe en 120hz skærm til CSS, BF3, Minecraft og diverse andre spil :)
AMD Phenom X4 II 3,4GHz - GTX 570 - 120GB SSD - 500GB HDD - GA-990FXA-UD3 - Corsair Vengeance 8GB RAM
Regarding TRUE 120hz monitors, (and future TRUE 120hz LCD HDTVs) these displays will indeed improve your gaming experience (few exceptions). Because the screen is refreshing 120 times a second, the image projected will seem smoother and decrease tearing, even when gaming at below 60fps. Note though when gaming at a frame rate of exactly 60fps (vsync on at 60), 120hz LCD HDTVs and TRUE 120hz monitors should theoretically perform identically (both displays refreshing 120 times a second and repeating each frame once at 60fps). More information is being outputted to your eyes at 120hz even if it's just repeating frames, making the experience seem smoother. Don't forget though, to truly see the benefits of a TRUE 120hz monitor, you must be gaming at an average FPS greater than 60(ideally over 120fps). When your average frame rate is above 60(for this example let’s say you are averaging 120fps), you WILL see the in between frames that a 60hz monitor could not display. For a list of TRUE 120hz monitors, see nvidia's page on monitors that are compatible with their 3d technology.]
[Note though, video card solutions that are recommended for 60Hz 2560x1600, will not perform as well at 1920x1080 @120hz due to the amount of information that needs to be processed. In other words, it’s more taxing on a GPU to display 1920x1080 @120hz than 2560x1600 at 60hz. You will need one heck of a powerful GPU solution to see all the benefits of 1920x1080 @120hz. Beyond this resolution, at this high a refresh rate, dual link DVI will no longer have enough bandwidth to broadcast a signal to a monitor. As this point we'll have to move to a more advanced cable method like Display port (seen on a lot of the new HD 5xxx series cards).]
Hvorfor klør kvinder sig i øjnene,
når de vågner om morgenen?
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120hz kræves hvis man vil bruge 3D, men det er ikke nogen fordel i et spil som Diablo. Nogle synes det er en lille forbedring i FPS spil, men det er ikke meget.
1750 ELO LoL (EUW) - Kommende Diablo III spiller!