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  • Switching to bolig:net, any router to suggest?

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Hi, after not being happy with yousee I switched to bolig:net, taking advantage of their free installation before 31st may offer.

Now, I don't have a router, and I don't want to buy it from them since they sell it at twice the amazon price (the router in question is D-Link DIR-842 AC1200).

Do you have any router to suggest? Domestic use, but I need something that supports gigabit fiber (I'm getting a 1000/100) and that doesn't loses performance with a lot of wifi devices connected because on top of the usual computers, mobiles, tv and so on I have a lot of silly "smart-home" devices that connect individually to wifi.

I've been suggested the Fritz Box range but they have many different models and not sure what to get. Oh, and a decent signal is a requirement as well since the house has pretty thick concrete walls.



Mega Supporter
29-05-2019 18:54
What speed are you getting.?

It depends alot on what is necessary. Im more than Happy with my Netgear Nighthawk R6800 (R7000 is the successor) om my 100/100 mbit Fiber connection, but i actually dont know whats the actual WAN-LAN throughput is. The ASUS AC87U is also my suggestion. Very powerfull. Tried runnning one as backbone for a LAN with more than 20 people on a 600mbit connection. Ran beautifull, And acutally only Wifi point also.

EDIT: Doh didn't see the 1000/100 thing :)
Elite Nørd
29-05-2019 20:20
Look here for router ratings:

Mega Supporter
30-05-2019 11:12
Using an Edgerouter 6p with my connection from bolignet. Works fine :)

EDIT: I see you need wifi. Then you could do as I have done, and buy an access point, or ofc get a router with wifi
30-05-2019 16:57
I definitely recommend smallnetbuilder (as mentioned by #2).

They're a reliable source of information. I'd go there if I needed a router recommendation. And I'm an IT professional, for what it's worth.

I also highly recommend Ubiquiti equipment (as mentioned by #3), although that's closer to professional equipment, and as such not priced the same as consumer equipment.
Further info on Ubiquiti: https://www.ui.com/products/#defaul...
Note: they don't offer all-in-one routers (i.e. routers with built-in WiFi)


Super Nørd
30-05-2019 18:05
Dont do it man. We have bolignet and its terrible.


30-05-2019 18:42
I can join #5, if you switch to bolig:net, your router is going to be the least of your worries.
Mega Supporter
30-05-2019 22:03
#5 + #6

What issues do you have ?


Super Nørd
30-05-2019 22:40
Low speeds at primetime like every day for the last three months. Can barely stream tv at 20:00. In the past we had downtime every week, and when confronted they claimed the problem was at our end. This lasted for a few months until I got like 20 of the other residents to write bad (but true) reviews on trustpilot, resulting in them showing up here with cake and an explanation, which in the end forced them to give us proper speed. This was 2-3 years ago though, but now the problems are back.

I have stopped playing computer games in the meantime, and for the time being we just our data from mobilephones to stream on bad days, simply because I do not have the energy to wrestle with them again right now.
Ny på siden
30-05-2019 23:51
Holy shit, I didn't realize they were so bad, hopefully the problems are solved now, or won't be in my area (relatively new construction with FTTH). The contract is not binding though, so it if doesn't work properly I can always switch back to a different ISP.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I think I will just buy the router they suggested, or something similiar, as I don't think I will need a professional one.
Mega Supporter
31-05-2019 06:53
That's not very reassuring. I just switched to bolignet, and the only thing i noticed is I can only push around 600-750 mbit/s in prime time.
But I've just moved into a newly constructed area, so it might not be that packed with traffic yet.
I'll keep an eye one this, or else I'll change ISP again.
Ny på siden
02-06-2019 16:26
#10 I think 70% of nominal speed is not bad if it's constant, what upload do you get?
Elite Nørd
02-06-2019 16:44

I would suggest a all-in-one router in the price range 500-1500 DKK from either Asus, Netgear og D-link.

That would propably be the easiest, with least maintenance and adequate for your needs.

D-Link DIR-882 is quite cheap for about 700DKK online.
Bruger Aspirant
02-06-2019 16:51
This router from Synology has the best OS compared with others routers operation systems https://www.synology.com/da-dk/prod...
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