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  • 21-10-2012 · 19:30 1176 visninger 17 svar
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  • Seasonic Platinum SS-1000XP fan`s weird noise ...

    Af e-gamer Elite Nørd
anyoen got this PSU so he can test it? - or the 860W mnodel.

You can notice it from 0:58 mostly:
- and stops when i turn off the fan :-/

Is it only mine?

Maxi Supporter
21-10-2012 22:16
What kind of crap is that your are sending us ?

malware -_-
21-10-2012 22:40
E-Gamer for det første tal dansk.. og for det andet stop med at ligge virus ind..
Elite Nørd
21-10-2012 22:43
"Click here to start download from sendspace" - so you can download it, i know - there`s too many "Download" buttons with some crap inside, but that`s how those free websites work - you have to think a minute to chose the correct "Downlaod button" - sorry for that.

I see you got this PSU - what about your fan? Is it silent when you use "fan mode"?

I decided to mount the fan off and use the PSU as a totally passive one - so i don`t have to care about that fan anymore.

# 2
What virus are you talking about? - i have downloaded that file from that site like 3 times to test the speed, got no viruses :-/

Guys - really - stop using crappy software which sees viruses everywhere.
Maxi Supporter
21-10-2012 22:46
I still downloaded a malware infected file dude :( I cant hear my PSU over my GPU :-)
So i dont have an answer to that.
Elite Nørd
21-10-2012 22:46
And don`t use the:
"Download with sendspace accelerator and get recommended offers." - then you go further and click:
"Click here to start download from sendspace" - then the file can be downloaded.

Hmm ... it`s a MOV_0056.mp4, recorded by a phone.

# 4
Turn off gpu`s fans and turn on PSU`s fan mode - would you be so kind? ;)
Maxi Supporter
21-10-2012 22:52
Maybe tomorrow :)

Malware bytes stamped the mp4 fil as infected :)


Ultra Supporter
21-10-2012 23:06
My (previous) XFX 750w Black Edition 80+ Silver... which is a M12II based SeaSonic OEM as you probably know sounded like that... rattling noise when the fan was running under load - got it replaced by komplett for a new unit.
Elite Nørd
21-10-2012 23:15
Fik tre ting med ned under dl af det.
En .mp4 film, download sa og optimizer, den ene gik i chrome som dl bar og den anden startede en fake spyware scan + ingen uninstall mulighed.
Lyder som defekt fan måske efter en hård tur med posten?
Har du åbnet og fjernet fan = no rma?


Ultra Supporter
21-10-2012 23:19
Downloadede på en Mac ;P
Elite Nørd
21-10-2012 23:24
Efter scan = en trojan + en hel del tracking cookie\objects.
Ikke dl.
Elite Nørd
22-10-2012 06:29
yyy ... maybe you have clicked wrong "Download button"?

Nevermind, if you get some messages don`t download it anymore (anybody), but it`s really crazy. And i can easily download that file as a MOV_0056.mp4, i scan it and nothing`s there :-/
22-10-2012 08:43
hope u get help E-Gamer :) btw i scanned with PAYED antivirus, its clear..
Jeg har scannet filen med BETALT antivirus og filen er ren. jeg bruger F-Secure :)
Maxi Supporter
22-10-2012 09:44
# 12 nu er F-Secure heller ikk det bedste og bruge .. Men okay :)

Stoler mere på malware bytes end det ..
22-10-2012 09:48
e-gamer hvorfor skriver du altid engelsk?
- Har du nogensinde tænkt dig at besvare det ene simple spørgsmål?

#12, Nu er det svært at fine en antivirus der er ringere end F-Secure.


Mega Nørd
22-10-2012 10:09

Det har han svaret på en mio gange.
Maxi Supporter
22-10-2012 10:49
For at komme tilbage på topic, så kigger jeg muligvis på det tidligere .. Dog nok uden load, skal have min pc skruet til atomer og have moddet mit kabinet ..
Elite Nørd
22-10-2012 15:56
# 14
Jeg ikke skriver altid pa engelsk, fra tid til anden jeg skriver pa dansk :D

I`ve e-mailed Seasonic`s support, they told me that after i remove the fan - the PSU will be still working without any problems (no some kind of protection when the fan is removed) ... so for now i live as it is, as the PSU is passive anyway. But when the fan gonna spin more often - i`ll just remove the fan and have the PSU 100% passive.
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