d2jsp - hvordan fungerer det?
Underlig Rage 2 flikkering
Nyt build til gaming +10k
PC lukker ned, men kører stadig?
Tilbud tråd
Hvilke kabinetblæsere anbefales?
Penge tilbage i SKAT
4070ti vs 7900XTX komplet, hjælp
PCIe 5 lanes
Mørke skygger, driver problemer og AMD 9070 XT
Det bedste RX 9070 XT?
Intel B580 dårlig performance i cs2
TopData færdigbygget? (9070 xt)
minecraft i vr.. nogen der har prøvet det?
Låse 25 bærbare til kun lige det mest nødvendige
Udskiftning af switches på mus, worth it ?
ddr5 gear 1 hvor høj hastighed ?
Half Life 2 RTX udgivet
Råd, køb af brugt ny computer
Gratis spil-tråden
Logitech Z906 Spørgsmål
Kan man blokere en hjemmeside?
Nybygget computer vil ikke starte.
10-15k samlet pc + skærm
Skærm til spil
7800x3D 5070 ti build
Windows knap strejker i tide og utide
ASUS GeForce RTX 5070 Ti TUF
50XX launch i dag - har I fået fat i et kort?
Proshop har 5070TI som auktion?
Køb & Salg
K: Z790 mobo
V: Dan C4-SFX
K: Ryzen 5600g/5600gt/5700g
S: Philips pico projektor
V: 7800x3d, 7900 xtx build
K: G.Skill DDR4 - 32 GB -3600 - CL - 16 Og 5950x
K: z97 bundkort
K: RX 6400 eller tilsvarende uden ekstern strøm
S: 4 x Noctua NF-A14 PWM
S: iPhone 13 Pro 256GB, HP Elitebook & Acer Nitro
V: MSI GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER Expert
S: Logitech Brio 500 webcam
S: Lenovo Yoga + X1 Carbon
S: WoW konto med 8x80er + 800k guld! 24K AP
S: MX Keys Mini, spritny
S: Lenovo Thinkpad L13 Gen 1
K: nVidia low profile grafikkort
B: Arctic Liquid Freezer II 280
S: Asus 27"
V: Gammelt AMD setup.
S: arcademaskine - hjemmebyg
S: Corsair HX1000 1000W 80+ Platinum
V: RX 6900 XT
S: Blandet X99 mobos
S: Nanoxia Deep Silence 6 Rev. B
V: PC - Ryzen 5800X, 3070, 32GB ram
K: gaming computer køb og topdata vurdering?
S: 2 stk. 32GB ram sæt
10's Uofficielle White/Black liste V4
d2jsp - hvordan fungerer det?
Underlig Rage 2 flikkering
Nyt build til gaming +10k
PC lukker ned, men kører stadig?
Tilbud tråd
Hvilke kabinetblæsere anbefales?
Penge tilbage i SKAT
4070ti vs 7900XTX komplet, hjælp
PCIe 5 lanes
Mørke skygger, driver problemer og AMD 9070 XT
Det bedste RX 9070 XT?
Intel B580 dårlig performance i cs2
TopData færdigbygget? (9070 xt)
minecraft i vr.. nogen der har prøvet det?
Låse 25 bærbare til kun lige det mest nødvendige
Udskiftning af switches på mus, worth it ?
ddr5 gear 1 hvor høj hastighed ?
Half Life 2 RTX udgivet
Råd, køb af brugt ny computer
Gratis spil-tråden
Logitech Z906 Spørgsmål
Kan man blokere en hjemmeside?
Nybygget computer vil ikke starte.
10-15k samlet pc + skærm
Skærm til spil
7800x3D 5070 ti build
Windows knap strejker i tide og utide
ASUS GeForce RTX 5070 Ti TUF
50XX launch i dag - har I fået fat i et kort?
Proshop har 5070TI som auktion?
Køb & Salg
K: Z790 mobo
V: Dan C4-SFX
K: Ryzen 5600g/5600gt/5700g
S: Philips pico projektor
V: 7800x3d, 7900 xtx build
K: G.Skill DDR4 - 32 GB -3600 - CL - 16 Og 5950x
K: z97 bundkort
K: RX 6400 eller tilsvarende uden ekstern strøm
S: 4 x Noctua NF-A14 PWM
S: iPhone 13 Pro 256GB, HP Elitebook & Acer Nitro
V: MSI GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER Expert
S: Logitech Brio 500 webcam
S: Lenovo Yoga + X1 Carbon
S: WoW konto med 8x80er + 800k guld! 24K AP
S: MX Keys Mini, spritny
S: Lenovo Thinkpad L13 Gen 1
K: nVidia low profile grafikkort
B: Arctic Liquid Freezer II 280
S: Asus 27"
V: Gammelt AMD setup.
S: arcademaskine - hjemmebyg
S: Corsair HX1000 1000W 80+ Platinum
V: RX 6900 XT
S: Blandet X99 mobos
S: Nanoxia Deep Silence 6 Rev. B
V: PC - Ryzen 5800X, 3070, 32GB ram
K: gaming computer køb og topdata vurdering?
S: 2 stk. 32GB ram sæt
10's Uofficielle White/Black liste V4
- Denne tråd er over 6 måneder gammel
Er du sikker på, at du har noget relevant at tilføje?
Hitman Blood Money Cheats Går Amok
Af Syruskeen Ultrabruger
Hey alle..
Jeg har det problem at når jeg spiller hitman og vil enable nogle Cheats så lukker den bare mit spil ned.. ???
Jeg har skrevet EnableCheats ind i HitmanBloodMoney.ini Filen så jeg kunne Aktivere Cheatsene.. Men Den lukker bare spillet ned uden og komme med en fejlmelding..
Så har jeg også Prøvet Patchen.. Men den gør det samme..
Nogen der ved hvorfor ?
Jeg har det problem at når jeg spiller hitman og vil enable nogle Cheats så lukker den bare mit spil ned.. ???
Jeg har skrevet EnableCheats ind i HitmanBloodMoney.ini Filen så jeg kunne Aktivere Cheatsene.. Men Den lukker bare spillet ned uden og komme med en fejlmelding..
Så har jeg også Prøvet Patchen.. Men den gør det samme..
Nogen der ved hvorfor ?
09-06-2006 22:37
anticheat ? :D
det er ikke fordi filen skal være skrivebeskyttet ? der skal de ini filer nogle gange...
havd hvis du fjerner det igen? virker spillet så ?
det er ikke fordi filen skal være skrivebeskyttet ? der skal de ini filer nogle gange...
havd hvis du fjerner det igen? virker spillet så ?
det er en fejl i cheatsne... du må bare vente til der kommer den patch der fixer det....
er de ikke dumt at bruge cheat?
#3 Og du kan ikke være ligeglad ?
Jeg er sikker på at det ødelægger de oplevelse af spillet...
Jeg er sikker på at det ødelægger de oplevelse af spillet...
#3 Jow.. men jeg har er kommet til en mission hvor jeg ikk kan komme længere..
#4 Jep giver jeg dig ret i... Men Den skal kun bruges til den bane hvor jeg skal slå 2 folk ihjel men bliver hele tiden opdaget...
#4 Jep giver jeg dig ret i... Men Den skal kun bruges til den bane hvor jeg skal slå 2 folk ihjel men bliver hele tiden opdaget...
de baner er der teoretisk set ret mange af i hitman.. ;o)
Jow det er de da.... :D
12-06-2006 08:44
hvilken bane er det? der er jo ikke så mange hvor man skla slå 2 ihjel ;)
Den med theateret... der hvor man går hen til vagten får udleveret en gammel pistol også går man ind på toilettet og nakker ham arbejderen..
Sorry for OT, men er der nogen her inde der har gennemført hitman endnu?
#9 den er da nem.. du skal bare nakke ham maleren der står nede af gangen til højre.. så kan du komme op og plante en bombe over scenen ved en lampe, som kan ryge ned over dem.. også kommer ham den anden du skal nakke ned for at hjælpe dem.. Plaf så er han også død..
så er det bare at finde sit tøj igen, og gå :)
så er det bare at finde sit tøj igen, og gå :)
Først gå ind, så til højre sider der en du skal snakke med, ved jakke-pas-på-manden :P
Der bruger du din røde billet. Så får du en pistol.Så kommer der 2 arbejdere ved siden af, de snakker lige lidt, så går den grønne mand ind på toilettet. Ham bruger du din fiber til at dræbe med. Tager hans tøj, smider ham om i den container ude på toilettet. Så går du ud igen, tager trappen ned, gør til højre. Tager sidste dør på venstre hånd, (du har Staff uniform på, så bare gå derind) Så fortsætter du, indtil du ser en slags elevator, den kravler du op af. Smider en mine bag scenen. Så skal du smide en mønt, for at få vagtens opmærksomhed (ude ved siden af scenen), når han kommer, så dræber du ham med fiber wire. Så tager du hans tøj. Så går du videre, så er der en FBI vagt. Han går på toilettet, så går du ind af 2. dør med en Stjerne. Gemmer dig i tøj skabet, venter til ham skuespilleren kommer. Så skifter du hans POP WW2 pistol ud med en REAL WW2 Pistol. Så går du bare tilbage, nyder forstellingen. Så når han dræber det første target, så løber 2. taget ned på scenen og græder. Så bruger du detonator (DEN SKAL VÆRE UPGRADED INDEN MISSION START), så BOOM, så er begge targets døde. Så går du tilbage hvor du kom fra, tager dit normale tøj på igen. Og ESCAPE :D
Hvis man er ekstra cool, så sætter man minen oppe ved lysekronen inde i operahuset (ja, uden at blive opdaget!), så når 2. target løber ned mod scenen, så snubler han. BOOM, så falder lysekronen ned over ham :D Sådan kan du også klare den .. heheh. "Hitman Wanted by the Police" fik jeg.
Først gå ind, så til højre sider der en du skal snakke med, ved jakke-pas-på-manden :P
Der bruger du din røde billet. Så får du en pistol.Så kommer der 2 arbejdere ved siden af, de snakker lige lidt, så går den grønne mand ind på toilettet. Ham bruger du din fiber til at dræbe med. Tager hans tøj, smider ham om i den container ude på toilettet. Så går du ud igen, tager trappen ned, gør til højre. Tager sidste dør på venstre hånd, (du har Staff uniform på, så bare gå derind) Så fortsætter du, indtil du ser en slags elevator, den kravler du op af. Smider en mine bag scenen. Så skal du smide en mønt, for at få vagtens opmærksomhed (ude ved siden af scenen), når han kommer, så dræber du ham med fiber wire. Så tager du hans tøj. Så går du videre, så er der en FBI vagt. Han går på toilettet, så går du ind af 2. dør med en Stjerne. Gemmer dig i tøj skabet, venter til ham skuespilleren kommer. Så skifter du hans POP WW2 pistol ud med en REAL WW2 Pistol. Så går du bare tilbage, nyder forstellingen. Så når han dræber det første target, så løber 2. taget ned på scenen og græder. Så bruger du detonator (DEN SKAL VÆRE UPGRADED INDEN MISSION START), så BOOM, så er begge targets døde. Så går du tilbage hvor du kom fra, tager dit normale tøj på igen. Og ESCAPE :D
Hvis man er ekstra cool, så sætter man minen oppe ved lysekronen inde i operahuset (ja, uden at blive opdaget!), så når 2. target løber ned mod scenen, så snubler han. BOOM, så falder lysekronen ned over ham :D Sådan kan du også klare den .. heheh. "Hitman Wanted by the Police" fik jeg.
Ups, den mand ved jakken (hvad hedder det!?!?) er til venstre når du kommer ind ;)
Har gennemført Hitman på rookie, medium og over halvt færdig med pro... Man kan f***** ikk slå en skid uden, at blive opdaget i pro..
Din RU-AP Mine behøver ikk, at være upgraded til den bane..
Jeg fik silent assassin i den..
Din RU-AP Mine behøver ikk, at være upgraded til den bane..
Jeg fik silent assassin i den..
Nej, men det kommer vel an på om du vil stå langt fra eller om du står tæt ved. Jeg var bare så diskret som muligt, at jeg stod væk og kiggede på mappet. Prøv den med lysekronen, den får man Hitman med. Silent Assassin fik jeg første gang.
Nej, men det kommer vel an på om du vil stå langt fra eller om du står tæt ved. Jeg var bare så diskret som muligt, at jeg stod væk og kiggede på mappet. Prøv den med lysekronen, den får man Hitman med. Silent Assassin fik jeg første gang.
#10 > Det tror jeg der er mange der har. Gennemførte det selv på 3 dage.
#14 & 15 Er kommet til den der Mississippi mission som foregår på en båd, nogen der kan fortælle mig hvor meget jeg mangler for at gennemføre? :)
Du behøves ingen våben, og får her en forklaring på engelsk:
You've seven kills to make on this level, so let's get to it. First thing you
need is a change of clothes. Go up the stairs in front of you and through either
set of double-doors at the top. Ignore the stairs here, but go through the
double-doors between them. This should lead you to the main cabin deck. Go right
down to the end and through the double-doors there. You are now in the more
exclusive cabins. There's a purser here wondering around whom we need to sedate.
He uses the toilets, but you're more likely to get caught there. Instead, look
to the room towards the SW corner of the room, room 324. Wait near there and the
purser will come over to the room, look around and then go inside to have a
drink. Follow him inside and sedate him while he's drinking. Take his suit and
his master key card. You can leave his body where it lies, it should be fine
Now it's time to start taking out some of these gang members. Go back through
the double-doors to the main cabin hallway. About half way down there's another
corridor running East-West. Turn left, East, here and go through the door in
front of you. One of the gang members comes out here for a smoke. It's just a
case of waiting till there's no one else on deck and pushing him over the
Go back through the door and straight across the hallway where you'll see a
staircase going down in the right-hand corner. Go down there to the staff deck.
Go through the door, take a left along the hallway and right again at the end.
Take the door on the right in the corner and down the steps. Turn around and go
through the door in the corner. Turn right in the middle of the corridor and
through the door ahead. This will bring you to the main engine room. Directly in
front of you is a large machine going round and round. If you wait just inside
the door, another gang member will come towards you and lean on the railing
here. Just make sure the guy to the right isn't looking and push him over.
Go back the way you came - through the door, take a left, up the stairs, through
the door, take a right in the hallway, down to the end, take a right, through
the door in front of you, up the stairs, left, left again on the carpet and
through the double-doors ahead back into the VIP Cabin area. Look for the room
to your right - 323 - and use the key card to enter it. Inside you'll find a
tuxedo suit and a VIP Pass, grab both and leave the room. Straight ahead and to
the right is a staircase going up to the VIP area, it's guarded at the top by
two men. Go up there and through the door ahead of you in the North wall. This
will bring you to the VIP bar. If you look left you'll see a set of double-doors
with a guard and another single door beside that. It's that last door you want
to go through. It'll bring you to a small room with a poker table. There's
another door on the opposite wall, but you need to be careful here. Two men come
into the room to play poker, who don't like to see you picking that lock or
entering that room. There's also a guard who patrols the room ahead, but you can
open the door and look into the room when he's there, just don't enter it till
he's left. Might be a good save point!
In that room, you'll see a closet straight in front of you, there's a 1st Class
Purser's suit just to the right of the closet, you need to get that. Once you
have it, you're safe in the room. Leave via the other door - East wall - and
turn right. Take the first door on your left which should bring you back to the
top of the staircase guarded by two men. Across from them, you should see
another door, in the East wall, with Private beside it. Go through that and head
to the right. As you go around the curving walkway, you'll a staircase going up,
ignore that but stop underneath it. Another gang member patrols along this
walkway and when he comes from straight ahead and gets beside this staircase, he
stops to admire the view. Another simple push and that's three down!
Unfortunately that's the last of the easy kills!
Continue around the walkway and take the door on the right into the kitchens.
Just inside the door on your right you'll see a cake. Grab that and you'll be
told to bring it up to the bossman. Head back out the door and around the
walkway. Take the first staircase you see which will bring you up to the private
deck. In all, there's four targets and two civilians permanently up here, with
another civilian who comes and goes. You need to kill each of the targets
without anyone seeing you and get the body stashed out of sight. I'm sure
there's numerous ways of doing this, but this is the one that worked for me!
Go past the guard on the door - he'll search you as you do - and through the
door. We'll dump the cake first, go straight ahead through the door and straight
again into the Skip's office. Put the cake on his desk and return the way you
came. Just before you go through the door to the guard who searched you, take
the door on your right into the bathroom. One of the gang members stops in here
to relieve himself, make sure he doesn't leave alive!
Now you need to take out the guard on the door. You'll need to time it around
the other gang member who comes along the West walkway and the purser in the
game's room who sometimes head's back downstairs. When you do kill him, drag him
to the bathroom, but don't forget to take his shotgun with you - anyone who sees
that lying around becomes alerted! As an alternate to the bathroom, you can drag
him down the East walkway about half-way, he should be fine there.
Now for the awkward one! He seems to change his route sometimes, but way I found
to get him was to place the shotgun and stand beside it so that he would walk
past me and stop to pick it up. As he does so, take him out and hide the body -
and the shotgun!
That just leaves the bossman! Go back to his office and just wait for a good
opportunity to kill him. Be careful of the other purser (his VERY close friend!)
who comes out of the bathroom. Drag his body through the door to the West into
his bedroom. Here you'll find his safe which contains the pictures you need.
That's the lot, now you just need to head down to the emergency raft to escape-
I'm sure you can find the way!
You've seven kills to make on this level, so let's get to it. First thing you
need is a change of clothes. Go up the stairs in front of you and through either
set of double-doors at the top. Ignore the stairs here, but go through the
double-doors between them. This should lead you to the main cabin deck. Go right
down to the end and through the double-doors there. You are now in the more
exclusive cabins. There's a purser here wondering around whom we need to sedate.
He uses the toilets, but you're more likely to get caught there. Instead, look
to the room towards the SW corner of the room, room 324. Wait near there and the
purser will come over to the room, look around and then go inside to have a
drink. Follow him inside and sedate him while he's drinking. Take his suit and
his master key card. You can leave his body where it lies, it should be fine
Now it's time to start taking out some of these gang members. Go back through
the double-doors to the main cabin hallway. About half way down there's another
corridor running East-West. Turn left, East, here and go through the door in
front of you. One of the gang members comes out here for a smoke. It's just a
case of waiting till there's no one else on deck and pushing him over the
Go back through the door and straight across the hallway where you'll see a
staircase going down in the right-hand corner. Go down there to the staff deck.
Go through the door, take a left along the hallway and right again at the end.
Take the door on the right in the corner and down the steps. Turn around and go
through the door in the corner. Turn right in the middle of the corridor and
through the door ahead. This will bring you to the main engine room. Directly in
front of you is a large machine going round and round. If you wait just inside
the door, another gang member will come towards you and lean on the railing
here. Just make sure the guy to the right isn't looking and push him over.
Go back the way you came - through the door, take a left, up the stairs, through
the door, take a right in the hallway, down to the end, take a right, through
the door in front of you, up the stairs, left, left again on the carpet and
through the double-doors ahead back into the VIP Cabin area. Look for the room
to your right - 323 - and use the key card to enter it. Inside you'll find a
tuxedo suit and a VIP Pass, grab both and leave the room. Straight ahead and to
the right is a staircase going up to the VIP area, it's guarded at the top by
two men. Go up there and through the door ahead of you in the North wall. This
will bring you to the VIP bar. If you look left you'll see a set of double-doors
with a guard and another single door beside that. It's that last door you want
to go through. It'll bring you to a small room with a poker table. There's
another door on the opposite wall, but you need to be careful here. Two men come
into the room to play poker, who don't like to see you picking that lock or
entering that room. There's also a guard who patrols the room ahead, but you can
open the door and look into the room when he's there, just don't enter it till
he's left. Might be a good save point!
In that room, you'll see a closet straight in front of you, there's a 1st Class
Purser's suit just to the right of the closet, you need to get that. Once you
have it, you're safe in the room. Leave via the other door - East wall - and
turn right. Take the first door on your left which should bring you back to the
top of the staircase guarded by two men. Across from them, you should see
another door, in the East wall, with Private beside it. Go through that and head
to the right. As you go around the curving walkway, you'll a staircase going up,
ignore that but stop underneath it. Another gang member patrols along this
walkway and when he comes from straight ahead and gets beside this staircase, he
stops to admire the view. Another simple push and that's three down!
Unfortunately that's the last of the easy kills!
Continue around the walkway and take the door on the right into the kitchens.
Just inside the door on your right you'll see a cake. Grab that and you'll be
told to bring it up to the bossman. Head back out the door and around the
walkway. Take the first staircase you see which will bring you up to the private
deck. In all, there's four targets and two civilians permanently up here, with
another civilian who comes and goes. You need to kill each of the targets
without anyone seeing you and get the body stashed out of sight. I'm sure
there's numerous ways of doing this, but this is the one that worked for me!
Go past the guard on the door - he'll search you as you do - and through the
door. We'll dump the cake first, go straight ahead through the door and straight
again into the Skip's office. Put the cake on his desk and return the way you
came. Just before you go through the door to the guard who searched you, take
the door on your right into the bathroom. One of the gang members stops in here
to relieve himself, make sure he doesn't leave alive!
Now you need to take out the guard on the door. You'll need to time it around
the other gang member who comes along the West walkway and the purser in the
game's room who sometimes head's back downstairs. When you do kill him, drag him
to the bathroom, but don't forget to take his shotgun with you - anyone who sees
that lying around becomes alerted! As an alternate to the bathroom, you can drag
him down the East walkway about half-way, he should be fine there.
Now for the awkward one! He seems to change his route sometimes, but way I found
to get him was to place the shotgun and stand beside it so that he would walk
past me and stop to pick it up. As he does so, take him out and hide the body -
and the shotgun!
That just leaves the bossman! Go back to his office and just wait for a good
opportunity to kill him. Be careful of the other purser (his VERY close friend!)
who comes out of the bathroom. Drag his body through the door to the West into
his bedroom. Here you'll find his safe which contains the pictures you need.
That's the lot, now you just need to head down to the emergency raft to escape-
I'm sure you can find the way!
#18, Hehe, har gennemført den, mente hvor mange missioner der er tilbage af spillet!? :D
Jeg har lige et andet spørgsmål også... Når man skal have sin a4 eller sin Shotgun med siger den at den ligger gemt i en container og at man skal kigge på kortet hvor den præcist ligger.. men hvordan får man kortet frem ?
M tasten
M tasten
Arh takker .. :D
Philipjes eller Sander, er nået til missionen A House Of Cards, men hvor mange missioner er der tilbage her fra?? :)
Min sidste mission hedder A new life.. ? mener da ikk jeg har set den der mission #23
#24 Den kommer først efter A New Life!
Gider I ikke overveje at sætte en *SPOILER* advarsel på inden I afslører slutningen af spillet...?! Christ..
hva er det bedste man kan få? hitman wanted by the police eller hva er det?? :)
# 23
Der er 3 missioner... A dance with the devil, Amendment XXV og Requiem...
Der er 3 missioner... A dance with the devil, Amendment XXV og Requiem...
# 27
Silent Assassin er den bedste grad....
Silent Assassin er den bedste grad....
Just my words :D
Nemlig. Det andet er for tøse drenge, som tager den i Rookie sikkert, ;P
Just my words :D
Nemlig. Det andet er for tøse drenge, som tager den i Rookie sikkert, ;P
På trods af at jeg har været stor fan af Hitman-serien, synes jeg ærligt talt at det er et ret tamt spil denne gang... Det er det samme shit i hver evig eneste bane, og graden af realisme ligner noget fra et Disney-spil, sammenlignet med Splinter Cell serien!
AI'en er chokerende ringe, og historien er ikke engang middelmådig... Jeg synes det er synd at IOI ikke lægger lidt mere energi i at tænke i nye baner, i stedet for at putte 'gamle mænd i nye biler'. Ja ja, spillet er da meget pænt lavet og udemærket underholdning men i fht. det kommende Splinter Cell: Double Agent så kan det vist ikke fungere som andet end negativ reference - synd, når man tænker på at dette spil indtil videre enerådigt repræsenterer Danmarks spilindustri på det internationale marked.
-og lige et sidste surt opstød; hvad i alverden sker der for at Vin 'Elitepædagogen' Diesel skal spille Hitman i den kommende film?!
NEJ, IO Interactive! Fy! Ja ok, måske har manden lidt af et navn blandt folk der også synes at den seneste action-man dukke er det fedeste nord for Padborg, og måske bliver I ret så våde i trussen når Mr. xXx køber hele pakken -men helt ærligt, har 'Wild Wild West' med Will Smith ikke lært Jer bare lidt? Manden ligner jo ikke engang #47! Hans solarie brune baby-face og smartass kommentarer om 'a new breed of secret agent' passer overhovedet ikke til den blege og kølige Hitman lige meget hvor meget pudder han får kastet i hovedet............
Nyd det gode vejr, og gem spilleriet til Splinter Cell udgivelsen til efteråret ;)
AI'en er chokerende ringe, og historien er ikke engang middelmådig... Jeg synes det er synd at IOI ikke lægger lidt mere energi i at tænke i nye baner, i stedet for at putte 'gamle mænd i nye biler'. Ja ja, spillet er da meget pænt lavet og udemærket underholdning men i fht. det kommende Splinter Cell: Double Agent så kan det vist ikke fungere som andet end negativ reference - synd, når man tænker på at dette spil indtil videre enerådigt repræsenterer Danmarks spilindustri på det internationale marked.
-og lige et sidste surt opstød; hvad i alverden sker der for at Vin 'Elitepædagogen' Diesel skal spille Hitman i den kommende film?!
NEJ, IO Interactive! Fy! Ja ok, måske har manden lidt af et navn blandt folk der også synes at den seneste action-man dukke er det fedeste nord for Padborg, og måske bliver I ret så våde i trussen når Mr. xXx køber hele pakken -men helt ærligt, har 'Wild Wild West' med Will Smith ikke lært Jer bare lidt? Manden ligner jo ikke engang #47! Hans solarie brune baby-face og smartass kommentarer om 'a new breed of secret agent' passer overhovedet ikke til den blege og kølige Hitman lige meget hvor meget pudder han får kastet i hovedet............
Nyd det gode vejr, og gem spilleriet til Splinter Cell udgivelsen til efteråret ;)
Daniel OOOOOh
20-01-2008 20:24
I - Curtains Down - skal du bare smide en Micro Mine op til Logen hvor den ene sidder... ( Det kan gøres let fra højre side, men døren skal lige Picks ) ... Derefter går du ned ved Scenen og gemmer dig i venstre side, Dukker dig ned skyder Alvaro ( opera sangeren ) og stormer ud... Har gjordt det på 1:50 Minut :D Kræver dine mines og Silenced gun er opgradet en del
13-06-2008 13:42
Hvor er det jeg åbner den der hitmanbloodmoney.ini?? hjælp mig:D
10-07-2008 10:17
Jeg har gennemført hitman blood money det er nemt hvis man tænker sig om jeg har vundet Curtains Down på 47 sec!