nogen der har nogle gode ideer? :) mangler seriøst nogle!
Natalya Simonova: Do you destroy every vehicle you get into?
James Bond: Standard operating procedure. Boys with toys.
Meget mere afdaempet farver.. Keep them! :D
Raoul Silva: England... Mi6... so old-fashioned!
Gad vide om vi kunne få en rangering af disse "rank" :D
Evt. kunne en admin skrive hvad der skal til for at blive "Octopussy" ;)
EDIT: Ens rank er åbenbart ikke fast :D
EDIT2: AHH - Signatur er også anderledes! Det er da helt vidunderligt!
Det er de små glæder i livet der gør det værd at leve!!!
Leonid Pushkin: Put him on the next plane to Moscow...
General Georgi Koskov: Oh, thank you General, thank you so much...
Leonid Pushkin: the diplomatic bag.
James Bond: You play a Slazenger 1, don't you?
Auric Goldfinger: Yes, why?
James Bond: This is a Slazenger 7.
James Bond: Here's my Penfold Hearts. You must have played the wrong ball somewhere on the 18th fairway. We are playing strict rules, so I'm afraid you lose the hole and the match.
Fede navne, lol
Franz Sanchez: Señor Bond, you got big cojones. You come here, to my place, without references, carrying a piece, throwing around a lot of money... but you should know something: nobody saw you come in, so nobody has to see you go out.
haha signaturene er perfekte :)
M: The Americans are gonna be none too pleased.
James Bond: I promised them Le Chiffre and they got him.
M: They got his body.
James Bond: Well, if they wanted his soul, they should have made a deal with a priest.
Fedt :D
Felix Leiter: Hey, observer! You trying to get yourself killed?
James Bond: If I don't get you back in time for the wedding, I'm a dead man for sure!
#1 Det kommer lidt an på hvad man skal lave, eller hvem man skal være sammen med :)
Men ellers er mentos i isterninger aldrig en dårlig idé :D
Hvis der altså bliver serveret sodavand.
James Bond: I think I'll call it a Vesper.
Vesper Lynd: Because of the bitter aftertaste?
James Bond: No, because once you've tasted it, that's all you want to drink.
Hehe. Håber på James Bond "rank"
Edit : :/
Kamal Khan: Spend the money quickly, Mister Bond.
Elsker farverne.
Nice, ku' ikk' be om en bedre titel.
Dominic Greene: My friends call me Dominic.
James Bond: I'm sure they do.
Jeg ville intet have imod hvis siden normalt så sådan her ud. I like it!
edit: Jeg er dælme tilfreds med min rank :D
James Bond: Just taking the Aston out for a spin, Q.
Q: Be careful, 007! It's just had a new coat of paint!
Haha, den er sjov i år også, men sidste år var den også god.
Men farverne er faktisk gode :-D
Tanner: You were supposed to question Gonzales, not let Miss Havelock perforate him!
James Bond: I quite agree, sir.
Frederick Gray: I'm afraid we have to inform the Prime Minister that Operation Undertow is dead in the water. Why... she'll have our guts for garters!
det er fedt lavet :D
Major Anya Amasova: That it's very important to have a positive mental attitude.
James Bond: Nothing more practical than that?
Major Anya Amasova: Food is also very important.
James Bond: Mm-hmm. What else?
Major Anya Amasova: When necessary, shared bodily warmth.
James Bond: That's the part I like.
I dagens anledning kan jeg afsløre at:
AMD er så meget bedre end Intel
Boom! :)
Solitaire: The cards have followed you for me.
Sweet! Farverne er vildt lækre, man kunne håbe på at staff vælger at beholde dem ;-)
Q: Now this one I'm particularly keen about. You see the gear lever here? Now, if you take the top off, you will find a little red button. Whatever you do, don't touch it.
James Bond: Yeah, why not?
Q: Because you'll release this section of the roof, and engage and then fire the passenger ejector seat. Whish!
James Bond: Ejector seat? You're joking!
Q: I never joke about my work, 007.
Fede farver
Dr. No: I was curious to see what kind of man you were. I thought there may be even a place for you with SPECTRE.
James Bond: I'm flattered. I'd prefer the Revenge department. Of course, my first job would be finding the man who killed Strangways and Quarrel.
Så er alle sgu ens med deres status. Og i ved hvad man siger. Samspilsituationer, involverende individer engageret i diverse uspecificerede rekreative sysler, frembringer almindeligvis de mest hensigtmæssige resultater såfremt participanterne er inbyrdes kompatible.
Blofeld: Mr Bond! We can do a deal! I'll buy you a delicatessen! In stainless steel!
For fedt da :D
Honey Ryder: I put a black widow spider underneath his mosquito net... a female, they're the worst. It took him a whole week to die.
Honey Ryder: Did I do wrong?
James Bond: Well, it wouldn't do to make a habit of it.
Hold da op...der var jeg da lige ved at få min øl galt i halsen. Farverne minder mig om "Goldfinger".
Saunders: Saunders. Head of Section "V" Vienna. You're *bloody* late. This is a mission, not a fancy dress ball.
James Bond: We have time.
Lækkert design :)
Honey Ryder: Have you any idea what they'll do with us?
James Bond: No idea. No door handles or windows, either.
Honey Ryder: It's a prison, then.
James Bond: Mink-lined, with first-class service.
James Bond: Oh the things I do for England.
Haha fedt nok :)
Blofeld: As you can see, I am about to inaugurate a little war. In a matter of hours after America and Russia have annihilated each other. We shall see a new power dominating the world.
Cool nok :)
James Bond: An underwater city. Well, everyone needs to have their dreams.
Stromberg: No dream, Mr. Sterling. Soon a reality.
Der er pludseligt kommet lidt klasse over hol
Draco: My apologies for the way you were brought here. I wasn't sure you'd accept a *formal* invitation.
James Bond: There's always something formal about the point of a pistol.
Nice aprilsnar :D
Og jeg er M! Det er da klasse.
James Bond: A martini. Shaken, not stirred.
Hvad mener i med aprilsnar, hvor jeg kan da ikke se noget :-)
Franz Sanchez: Señor Bond, you got big cojones. You come here, to my place, without references, carrying a piece, throwing around a lot of money... but you should know something: nobody saw you come in, so nobody has to see you go out.
Ser da meget godt ud
Edit: Fiona?! WTF
Mr. Wint: Very moving.
Mr. Kidd: Heartwarming, Mr. Wint.
Mr. Wint: A glowing tribute, Mr. Kidd.
haha det ser sygt ud :d
James Bond: Sergeant, make sure he doesn't get away.
har altid drømt om at have titlen "Pam Bouvier"....
James Bond: You ever get the feeling that somebody doesn't like you?
Aprilsnart! Det ser godt ud, godt gået! :)
Helga Brandt: [Bond is captured by Helga Brandt] I've got you now.
James Bond: Well, enjoy yourself.
Charles Robinson: Our man's in position on the center camera. It's like a terrorist supermarket. Chinese Long March Scud, Panther AS-565 attack helicopter, a pair of Russian mortars, and the crates look like American rifles. Chilean mines. German explosives. Fun for the whole family.
elsker designet
Kimberley Jones: I thought you'd never get back.
James Bond: Well, there was a heck of a crowd on the piste!
Edit: øvv :((
James Bond: The name's Bond. James Bond.
Max Kalba: What of it?
Det er virkelig nice med signaturen.
Farven er ok, gør teksten mindre læselig men ikke noget jeg håber vil blive fast.
May Day: Get Zorin for me!
James Bond: Well, I must say, I've had a lovely evening. You?
Xenia Onatopp: Once again the pleasure was all yours.
Ja, det fungerer faktisk udemærket. Min skærm elsker den sorte baggrund. 25% mindre strømforbrug. Behold endelig dette tema. Det er da egentlig også på tide, at endelig bekender kulør. Nu har jeg på vegne af KGB holdt øje med dette forum i over 12 år, og endelig bliver jeg bekræftet i mine antagelser. Alle disse indlæg omkring James Bond fra BOFH igennem årene. Diverse opsnappede tråde: "Jeg søger ligesindende entusiastiske JB fans, som deler min passion omkring mig selv (jeg er James Bond)." Jeg har lige købt en Aston Martin DB9, for de penge jeg har tjent på ;-) "Min kone hed Noget andet, nu hedder hun Miss Moneypenny". Alt dette var kun indicier, men dette nye tema er absolut sømmet i kisten. Godt nok så faldt muren osv. i 1989, men det var bare en afledningsmanø ved hvor du bor, og du kan tro vi kommer efter dig.
Rosie Carver: There's a...
James Bond: Oh, a snake. I forgot, I should have told you. You should never go in there without a mongoose.
HOL skuffer aldrig! Fik mig da til at trække på smilebåndene ^^
Hugo Drax: At least I shall have the pleasure of putting you out of my misery. Poor, desolate Mr. Bond.
James Bond: Heartbroken Mr. Drax!
Lækker farver :3
James Bond: Thank you very much. I was just out walking my RAT and seem to have lost my way...
Elsker sort. :D
Felix Leiter: You Limeys can be pretty touchy about trespassing.
Behold de nye farver til en afveksling :)
James Bond: What are you, CIA?
Jinx: NSA. Hello, we're on the same side.
James Bond: Doesn't mean we're after the same thing.
Jinx: Sure it does. World peace, unconditional love, and our little friend with the expensive acne.
Hehe, havde ikke forventet det her ;) Kan godt lide det 'nye logo'.
Pussy Galore: What happened? Where's Goldfinger?
James Bond: Playing his golden harp.
Tillykke fødslesdagen HOL! Faktisk ret så fede farver! Men i har jo totalt stjålet det hele fra !
Blofeld: Kill Bond! Now!
må lige se min egen
James Bond: Now, if we could identify that 'someone'...
Tanner: Why don't you try the identigraph?
Frederick Gray: Mmm!
James Bond: Yes, sir.
Tanner: Well get cracking, 007!
Frederick Gray: Mmm!
James Bond: [Bewildered] Minister...
Det er sku cool lavet hol ;)
Fiona: Some men just don't like to be driven.
Bond: No, some men don't like to be taken for a ride.
Blofeld: I trust you had a pleasant "fright"!
Det flot klaus...
Shady Tree: You dirty double-crossing limey fink! Those goddamn diamonds are phonies!
Hvor er det fedt ;D
Major Anya Amasova: What happened to Kalba?
James Bond: He was cut off - permanently.
Det er sgu for fedt :P
James Bond: Pickett's charge was up Cemetary Ridge, not Little Round Top.
Brad Whitaker: I'm reenacting the battle as I would have fought it. Meade was tenacious, but he was cautious. He missed his chances to crush Lee at Gettsyburg.
Haha, troede først det var en reklame :D
M: Though much is taken, much abides, and though we are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are... One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
haha, hvor fedt :)
Q: Try to be a little less than your frivolous self, 007.
Behold det her layout!
May Day: Get Zorin for me!
Håber på James Bond!
Jack Wade: You know that, officially, Uncle Sam is completely neutral in this turkey shoot.
James Bond: And unofficially?
Jack Wade: We have no interest in seeing World War III - unless we start it.
De her farver er for fede!
Auric Goldfinger: Forgive me, Mr. Bond, but, uh... I must arrange to separate my gold from the late Mr. Solo.
James Bond: As you said, he had a pressing engagement.
Godt fundet på :)
Stromberg: I've been expecting you.
Good one :D
James Bond: Do you think you can help me? Someone seems to have stuck a knife in my wallet.
Q: Oh, and missed you, did they? What a pity!
God en i år, stemmer for et iron man tema næste år :)
Og så tillykke med fødselsdagen forresten :)
attack of the 50 ft. woman tema næste år ;)
Draco: My apologies for the way you were brought here. I wasn't sure you'd accept a *formal* invitation.
James Bond: There's always something formal about the point of a pistol.
Fine farver, men lidt svært at læse tekst
Edit: Sweet Mr. 007 himself
James Bond: I think I'll call it a Vesper.
Vesper Lynd: Because of the bitter aftertaste?
James Bond: No, because once you've tasted it, that's all you want to drink.
Felix Leiter: You Limeys can be pretty touchy about trespassing.
Tillykke med fødselsdagen.
I taastrup står et skilt om at der vil blive foretaget en olie boring ved kulturcentretentret mandag klokken 12. Det har vist stået der en uge, så tænkte wtf indtil min far prøvede på at overbevise mig igår, så lugtede jeg alligevel lunten. (gik lidt ud fra at olieboring ellers var slang for at drikke noget nordsøolie i den lokale snapseglas eller noget i den stil)
Emilio Largo: Of course. Vargas does not drink... does not smoke... does not make love. What do you do, Vargas?
Stort tillykke med dagen frøken :)
M: Gentlemen, this may only be an exercise so far as the Ministry of Defence is concerned. But for me, it is a matter of pride that the 00 section has been chosen for this test. Your objective is to penetrate the radar installations of Gibralter. Now, the SAS has been placed on full alert to intercept you, but I know you won't let me down. Good luck, men.
Bliver nødt til at poste et eller andet så jeg kan se min "nye" status... :-)
Edit: for helvede da også - det lyder som en fra Shrek! :P
President Hector Lopez: There has been a mistake with my cheque. Look at it! It's *half* the usual amount.
Franz Sanchez: You were very quiet when I was arrested. Remember, you're only president... for life.
:D 24/007 HW portal, hahaha
Emilio Largo: Like your friend you've been a little too clever, and now you are caught!
HAHA! Sjovt :D
Dr. No: I was curious to see what kind of man you were. I thought there may be even a place for you with SPECTRE.
James Bond: I'm flattered. I'd prefer the Revenge department. Of course, my first job would be finding the man who killed Strangways and Quarrel.
Alt for fedt :D
Leonid Pushkin: Put him on the next plane to Moscow...
General Georgi Koskov: Oh, thank you General, thank you so much...
Leonid Pushkin: the diplomatic bag.
HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! er flad af grin, det her holder jo ;)
Honey Ryder: I put a black widow spider underneath his mosquito net... a female, they're the worst. It took him a whole week to die.
Honey Ryder: Did I do wrong?
James Bond: Well, it wouldn't do to make a habit of it.
Man kan jo også gøre som min kone her til morgen, "Skat jeg er gravid" ARGGGGGGG så var jeg vågen :o))
Sir Frederick Gray, Minister of Defence: My God, what's Bond doing?
Q: I think he's attempting re-entry, sir.
Håber jeg er James Bond!
EDIT: :/
Oh well... meget nice design :)
James Bond: Moneypenny - Fairbanks.
Moneypenny: Alaska.
James Bond: No, Bill Fairbanks. 002.
Moneypenny: Oh, poor Bill. I miss him.
James Bond: Yes, well the man with the golden gun didn't.
Helle Thorning Schmidt
Dr. Christmas Jones: You wanna put that in English for those of us who don't speak Spy?
Jamen da, har 007 fået egen hjemmeside ?
Tillykke til HOL med fødselsdagen :)
M: Moneypenny, where's 007?
Moneypenny: He's on a mission sir. In Austria.
M: Well, tell him to pull out. Immediately.
Hahahahaha rigtig fedt lavet det her :)
Auric Goldfinger: Man has climbed Mount Everest, gone to the bottom of the ocean. He's fired rockets at the Moon, split the atom, achieved miracles in every field of human endeavor... except crime!
Kan man gemme designet til viderebrug? Hilsen james bond
James Bond: Take a giant step back for mankind.
Haha fedt lavet alligevel :-)
James Bond: There's a saying in England: Where there's smoke, there's fire.
nice one!
Sheriff J.W. Pepper: Now you listen to me, trooper boy! We got a swamp full of Black Russians drivin' boats to beat the band down here.
Det er sgu meget sjovt.
Slumber Inc. Attendant: The stiff, ehm, the deceased back there... Your brother, Mr. Franks?
James Bond: Yes, it was.
Slumber Inc. Attendant: I got a brudder.
James Bond: Small world.
Gennemført alligevel!
Auric Goldfinger: Forgive me, Mr. Bond, but, uh... I must arrange to separate my gold from the late Mr. Solo.
James Bond: As you said, he had a pressing engagement.
Sjovt lavet :-)
Perez: What about the money, patron?
Franz Sanchez: Launder it.
Fedt fundet på.
Le Chiffre: Wow. You've taken good care of your body. Such... a waste.
Tillykke, det er super fedt lavet!
James Bond: There's a fly in his soup!
Fede farver
Dr. Holly Goodhead: James?
James Bond: I think it may be time to go home.
Dr. Holly Goodhead: Take me 'round the world one more time.
James Bond: Why not?
Auric Goldfinger: Man has climbed Mount Everest, gone to the bottom of the ocean. He's fired rockets at the Moon, split the atom, achieved miracles in every field of human endeavor... except crime!
Det her burde blive det nye hol :D
James Bond: The name's Bond. James Bond.
Max Kalba: What of it?
Det er så epic det her!
James Bond: Miss Kennedy would you get me a medium-dry Vodka Martini...
Pam Bouvier: Why don't you ask...
James Bond: Shaken, not stirred.
Godt arbejde!
Rosie Carver: There's a...
James Bond: Oh, a snake. I forgot, I should have told you. You should never go in there without a mongoose.
Haha GOD Aprilsnar
James Bond: You know Operation Grand Slam simply won't work. And incidentally Delta-9 nerve gas is fatal.
Auric Goldfinger: You are unusually well informed, Mr Bond.
Kunne godt vænne mig til den her farve :)
Ernst Stavro Blofeld: I've taught you to love chickens, to love their flesh, their voice.
Melder mig også i koret af folk, der vil beholde det her look =)
Mr. Big: Is THIS the stupid mother who tailed you uptown?
James Bond: There seems to be some mistake. My name is...
Mr. Big: Names is for tombstones, baby! Y'all take this honkey out and WASTE HIM! NOW!
Det burde næsten være muligt at skifte til det her design, dog kunne jeg bedre lide Funky banana club aprilsnaren xD
Scarpine: He's the outstanding horse of the sales. We expect him to fetch over three million dollars!
James Bond: Oh, sounds quite reasonable!
Enig med alle de andre. Jeg synes bestemt også de her farver er gode til hjemmesiden ;)
Mei-Lei: Can I do anything for you, Mr. Bond?
James Bond: Uh, just a drink. A martini, shaken, not stirred.
Skal også lige se min signatur.
Max Zorin: This will hurt him more than me.
Cool layout
Solitaire: Well that wasn't very funny.
fedt look synes bestemt disse farver skal forblive, og nu vi er ved stort tillykke med dagen
James Bond: When one is in Egypt, one should delve deeply into its treasures.
The name is Bond.
James Bond.
Blofeld: As you can see, I am about to inaugurate a little war. In a matter of hours after America and Russia have annihilated each other. We shall see a new power dominating the world.
Og tillykke med dagen :)
James Bond: You play a Slazenger 1, don't you?
Auric Goldfinger: Yes, why?
James Bond: This is a Slazenger 7.
James Bond: Here's my Penfold Hearts. You must have played the wrong ball somewhere on the 18th fairway. We are playing strict rules, so I'm afraid you lose the hole and the match.
Altid sjovt at være hovedpersonen, ikke?
Pola Ivanova: Long time no see, James...!
Pola Ivanova: ... Oh, you haven't changed a bit!
James Bond: Well, YOU have. You're even LOVELIER.
Haha, det skifter hver gang man poster.
James Bond: I can assure you, my intentions are strictly honorable.
Skal bare lige se min rank.
Fedt Bond tema.
Francisco Scaramanga: A duel between titans... my golden gun against your Walther PPK.
James Bond: One bullet against my six?
Francisco Scaramanga: I only need one, Mr. Bond.
Synes I skulle beholde dette måneden ud :)
James Bond: I had a few optional extras installed.
Samme som #97 lol
Stromberg: I've been expecting you.
Jeg kunne sagtens vende mig til disse farver! :)
Auric Goldfinger: Ah, welcome to AuricStud, Mr. Bond.
Auric Goldfinger: Beautiful animal, isn't she?
James Bond: Certainly better bred than the owner.
Heey der er kun en plads til at være bond!
- Jeg er den ægte vare!
Major Anya Amasova: Where is Fekkesh?
James Bond: With the pharaohs.
ja man har jo snart oplevet det meste her inde :)
#101 , nej det er mig i følge min signatur..
pis os, den ændrede sig efter jeg rettede text.. - jeg er den falske :/
Miss Moneypenny: That girl must be very talented.
James Bond: Believe me, my interest in her is purely professional.
Ja det er venlige farver for miljøet. sort i stedet for alt det hvide der skal mere power til.
Max Zorin: For centuries alchemists tried to make gold from base metals. Today, we make microchips from sillicon, which is common sand, but far better than gold. Now, for several years, we had a profitable partnership, you as manufacturers, while I acquired and passed on to you industrial information that made you competitive, succesful. We are now on the unique position to form an international cartel to control not only production, but distribution of these microchips. There is one obstacle - Sillicon Valley in San Francisco.
Sygt nok
Kamran Shah: Russkie. Has Colonel Feydor considered my appeal?
Jailer: Yes. Good news. You won't be hung in the morning. You will be SHOT!
Kamran Shah: It's all a mistake. I stole NOTHING!
Jailer: You can tell Allah. When you see him.
Modtog randomly den her mail fra Razer! Haha, epic![...]
President Hector Lopez: There has been a mistake with my cheque. Look at it! It's *half* the usual amount.
Franz Sanchez: You were very quiet when I was arrested. Remember, you're only president... for life. Vilde nok farver alligevel :D
James Bond: The name's Bond. James Bond.
Max Kalba: What of it?
Fedt med alle de jokes der kommer :D
Det er "næsten" lige så godt som pranks :P
Andre der har oplevet fede ting og sager?
Saida: Ah! I've lost my charm!
James Bond: Not from where I'm standing.
Lækkert udseende! Den sorte baggrund fungerer godt sammen med reklamen for baconpostej fra Bilka :)
Le Chiffre: Wow. You've taken good care of your body. Such... a waste.
shaken not stirred
Le Chiffre: You know, I never understood all these elaborate tortures. It's the simplest thing... to cause more pain than a man can possibly endure.
Le Chiffre: And of course, it's not only the immediate agony, but the knowledge... that if you do not yield soon enough... there will be little left to identify you as a man.
Le Chiffre: The only question remains: will you yield, in time?
kan faktisk godt lide de her farver meget mere afslappende at kigge på :)
Pam Bouvier: Out of Gas. I haven't heard that one in a long time.
James Bond: Well, they must have hit the fuel line.
Helt enig, dejligt med den mørke baggrund også!
Mere af det tak ;)
Kamal Khan: You seem to have this nasty habit of surviving.
James Bond: You know what they say about the fittest.
Da nogle mods fik ondt i røven over at jeg oprettede en tråd udelukkende til diskussion af designet, må jeg jo skrive det samme her.
Er i for eller imod det nye design?
Skriv gerne en begrundelse
Personligt synes jeg det er ret fedt. Fedt med de små citater i signatur og fedt med de nye ranks.
Men designmæssigt synes jeg godt om det. Det er gode kontraster og er meget nemt at se.
Der kan i se et eksempel på magtmisbrug fra mods. Flere Aprilsnars tråde omkring nøgenbilleder af Emma Watson, eller en Ps3 der gives væk, forbliver ulåste, mens en helt reel og brugbar tråd omkring designet låses
Felix Leiter: Just what the hell are you trying to do, 007? Start World War III?
James Bond: Felix Leiter. Now what's the CIA doing here?
Felix Leiter: Nice work girls.
Linda: No hard feelings?
James Bond: Just as long as the party's still on.
Let me se..
Francisco Scaramanga: A duel between titans... my golden gun against your Walther PPK.
James Bond: One bullet against my six?
Francisco Scaramanga: I only need one, Mr. Bond.
os mig! :D
Nick-nack: I may be small but I never forget!
Nice! :D
James Bond: Sergeant, make sure he doesn't get away.
Jeg nyder personligt også de nye farver, som der også er blevet sagt en pen slat gange:P
James Bond: There's a saying in England: Where there's smoke, there's fire.
Behold farverne, det ville være godt.
James Bond: [in bed with Jones] I was wrong about you.
Dr. Christmas Jones: Yeah, how so?
James Bond: I thought Christmas only comes once a year.
Jeg synes designet skal blive
Emilio Largo: Of course. Vargas does not drink... does not smoke... does not make love. What do you do, Vargas?
Ikke værst. :-)
EDIT: Darn it. Ingen James Bond til mig. :-(
Sévérine: One can never be too careful when handsome man in tuxedos carry Walthers.
Fedt lavet! :)
Blofeld: Good evening, Mr Bond.
James Bond: Blofeld?
Blofeld Double: Good evening, 007.
Blofeld: Double jeopardy, Mr Bond.
Det fedt :)
Tatiana: The mechanism is... Oh James, James... Will you make love to me all the time in England?
James Bond: Day and night. Go on about the mechanism.
Raoul Silva: They kept me for five months in a room with no air. They tortured me, and I protected your secrets. I protected you. But they made me suffer. And suffer. And suffer. Until I realized, it was you who betrayed me. You betrayed me. So, I had only one thing left. My cyanide capsule in my back left molar. You remember, right? So, I broke the tooth and bit into the capsule. It... burned all my insides, but I didn't die. Life clung to me like a disease. And then I understood why I had survived. I needed to look in your eyes one last time.
De nye farver er faktisk dejlige for øjnene!
Brad Whitaker: How do you like my personal pantheon of great commanders?
Leonid Pushkin: Butchers.
Brad Whitaker: Surgeons. They cut away society's dead flesh.
Det er nu meget pænt :)
James Bond: You know, you're cleverer than you look.
Q: Still, better than looking cleverer than you are.
Det er fedt...
Magda: I need refilling.
sjovt spas
James Bond: Bond, James Bond
det er ok
Francisco Scaramanga: A duel between titans... my golden gun against your Walther PPK.
James Bond: One bullet against my six?
Francisco Scaramanga: I only need one, Mr. Bond.
Pisse fed april snar !!!
og tillykke :)
James Bond: Pam, this is Q, my "uncle". Uncle, this is "Miss Kennedy," my "cousin."
Q: Ah! We must be related.
Og jeg er?
Edit: Godt, hvor er den lækre sild? :D
James Bond: Mmm, maybe I misjudged Stromberg. Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
Fede farver må jeg sige!
M: Moneypenny, where's 007?
Moneypenny: He's on a mission sir. In Austria.
M: Well, tell him to pull out. Immediately.
Tillykke HOL :)
James Bond: There's a fly in his soup!
Meget fede ferver og særdeles fede navne!
Helga Brandt: [Bond is captured by Helga Brandt] I've got you now.
James Bond: Well, enjoy yourself.
Skal lige se hvem jeg er :P
James Bond: I admire your courage, Miss...?
Sylvia Trench: Trench. Sylvia Trench. I admire your luck, Mr...?
James Bond: Bond. James Bond.
HOL du ka bare :)
Irma Bunt: Is anything ze matter, Sir Hilary?
James Bond: Just a slight stiffness coming on... in the shoulder.
who am I
James Bond: Why don't you wait until you're asked?
Pam Bouvier: Why don't you ask me?
Ny Intél Goodwell-Bridge med i8-4820K cpu 'socket 2013' rygte:[...] Og tilykke med dagen :-)
Blofeld: Right idea, Mr. Bond...
James Bond: ...But wrong pussy. Disse farver skulle da blive for altid..
Sheikh Hoseim: What can I offer you? Sheep's eyes? Dates? Vodka martini?
#139 Helt enig! Meget afdæmpet, SKØNT!
Franz Sanchez: When it gets up to your ankles, you're going to beg to tell me everything. When it gets up to your knees, you'll kiss my ass to kill you.
Leonid Pushkin: Put him on the next plane to Moscow...
General Georgi Koskov: Oh, thank you General, thank you so much...
Leonid Pushkin: the diplomatic bag.
Haha :P
General Georgi Koskov: The sniper was a woman.
James Bond: I noticed.
General Georgi Koskov: Some of the best KGB shots are women.
James Bond: Um-hum.
General Georgi Koskov: Did you...
James Bond: I'd rather not talk about it.
General Georgi Koskov: Oh, no. Of course not.
Dr. No: I was curious to see what kind of man you were. I thought there may be even a place for you with SPECTRE.
James Bond: I'm flattered. I'd prefer the Revenge department. Of course, my first job would be finding the man who killed Strangways and Quarrel.
JEg kan også klart bedre lide det nye design - behold det!
Mei-Lei: Can I do anything for you, Mr. Bond?
James Bond: Uh, just a drink. A martini, shaken, not stirred.
blær :P
James Bond: I take it you ride.
Max Zorin: I'm happiest in the saddle.
James Bond: A fellow sportsman. So, what about fishing? Fly-casting?
Max Zorin: I'm neglecting my other guests. Enjoy yourself, you'll find the young ladies stimulating company.
Love it!
James Bond: You know Operation Grand Slam simply won't work. And incidentally Delta-9 nerve gas is fatal.
Auric Goldfinger: You are unusually well informed, Mr Bond.
Det er dejligt afslappende når man sidder med 42" foran sig :D
James Bond: Exceptionally fine shot.
Slumber Inc. Attendant: I didn't know there was a pool down there.
synes det er fede farver :P
Dr. Holly Goodhead: James?
James Bond: I think it may be time to go home.
Dr. Holly Goodhead: Take me 'round the world one more time.
James Bond: Why not?