Sælger 1 stk i7-9700k + MB, havde købt til et projekt jeg nok aldrig kommer i gang med, jeg kan ikke garantere at det virker da jeg ikke har nogle ram at teste med.
jeg har kun haft CPU ude og der lignede at et par pins var en smule bukket (ved ikke om det direkte havde en effekt på nedenstående beskrivelse)
original beskrivelse
[table]Selling my Prime B365M-A 1151 board and i7 9700k CPU. CPU is from circa late 2019-2020 and motherboard 2020-2021. Had another motherboard die with this same CPU and less than a year later this bundle started displaying instability/crashes. Unsure which component was the culprit and wasn't about to buy a new motherboard to find out, so here we are. It could be one component or the other, or both even. Missing IO shield. Sold as is. Any questions I'm happy to answer, let me know.
HBO 0kr[/table]