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S: WoW Horde Acc - Arena Master

Af Ny på siden Nikolaj1991b | 13-09-2020 20:34 | 838 visninger | 0 svar
Hej derude, mit opslag her kommer lige på engelsk, da jeg tænker at smide det til salg på flere sider. 9 x LvL 120 UD Priest 470 ilvl Orc Shaman 455 ilvl Belf Warrior 459ilvl UD Mage 381 ilvl Belf DK445 ilvl UD Rogue 462 ilvl Belf Monk 466 ilvl Tauren Druid 421 ilvl Nelf Druid 433 ilvl Lvl 100+ Belf DH 110 Troll warlock 113 Human paladin 111 Human hunter 111 human mage 105 Wow Classic – Lvl 60 Orc Female Rogue, only played during first phase with MC clears. Priest Elite Sets: season 12 (2.2k elite set Malevolentgladiator tmog) Bfa Season 1 & 4 Priest elite sets (with cloak 2.1k) and Dreadflame PvP enchant. High warlord priest transmog set with staff (1 hand axe andoffhand Tmogs) Shaman Elite set: Warmongering season 3 WoD full set andweapons (shield). >>>> Full gold MoP Challenge mode Shaman Set <<<< Warrior elite set: Bfa Season 1. Arena Master (unobtainable) Achievement (account wide title) Ahead of the curve: Xavius - Helya - Gul'dan - Argus -N'zoth. 173 mounts. (all 4 mop challengemode phoenixes) Highest PvP achivement Duelist – highest pvp achievements 2.2k rating 2v2 3v3 5v5 13.335 achivement points. Mage Tower Apperences: DK all 3 specs – Warlock all 3 specs.Some others with only 1 spec, like Feral Cat form and shadow priest. Overwatch with legendary skins to almost all heroes. Hearthstone with a few meta decks. Warcraft 3 remastered. Call of Duty Black Ops 4. and ofc!Shadowlands! pre-purchased. Price is set around analyzing other similar accounts and unobtaible's worth, like: Arena Master, MoP Challenge mode full Gold Shaman Set, Malevolent 2.2k req elite priest set Tmog and mage tower tmogs. I am the original owner of the account, which means i have every information (e-mail, SA, full name and address on me) don't waste your time commenting on stuff, if you are not here to buy the account. i have looked everything up, and sold an old account from before wotlk on this very site :) leave your email or something, so i can write you if u are into the account. >>>> 4475 kr. <<<<