Hey drenge (og piger?), så skiller jeg mig sku så småt af med mit main account, til den rigtige pris. Der vil være mulighed for at vise den frem in-game til eventuelt interesserede kunder. Jeg har den bla. til salg på playerauctions også, og jeg vælger derfor lige at kopiere teksten derfra (den er på engelsk, sorry!), da der er så meget på det skidt, og jeg er en doven satan, når det kommer til salgstråde. Jeg håber der er en der har interesse for den.
I kan adde mig på skype: Gnominator1337 hvis I har interesse.
Her er informationen om accountet:
"The time has come to sell my WoW account, after 12 years of playing. This is truly one of the most epic accounts out there, and with this you'll be able to join any PVE or PVP guild in the World, more or less. It has EVERYTHING you could possibly dream of. Enough talking, let me show you:
The Death Knight: Ilevel 867, cleared 7/7 HC Emerald Nightmare(got achievement) with the legendary neck. It has every Legion faction on revered of Exalted, and has a total of 69 exalted factions. It has 740/800 enchanting, and 703/800 engineering. It also has 800/800 cooking along with the "Chef" title - and 800/800 fishing along with the "Salty" title. Also has 800/800 First Aid and Archaeology. It also has the rare HIDDEN ARTIFACT for Blood DKs unlocked. It also has artifact progression level 13/15.
It has the following legendaries:
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Both Warglaives of Azinoth
The legendary ring from WoD.
The Death Knight also did all of the Challenge Modes on gold in WoTLK - and has the mount and ALL the cool weapon transmogs available.It also has elite season gear from Warlords of Draenor Season 3(required 2k rating at least) - and the elite weapon from S5(mace - Furious - SUPER RARE!)
It has 3 realm first achievements, and 2 of them are with titles.
"Realm First Naxxramas - Gives a title"
"Realm First Malygos - Gives a title"
"Realm First Lich King - Gives no title" - but is so prestigeous because Lich King HC was one of the mechanically hardest bosses ever to kill.
It also has a Gladiator mount from Season 5(Deadly) - a Frost Wyrm and a Gladiator achievement. So you can join any PVP guild or team you want to.
Along with that, it has 20,3k achievement points, which is roughly 76-80% of all achievements in the game. It has 216 mounts, with a LOT of rare/unobtainable in between, here is a small list of some of the rare ones:
Black Proto Drake(unobtainable)
Swift Zulian Tiger(super rare, can only be bought on BMAH now)
Swift Alliance Steed(unobtainable)
Pureblood Fire Hawk(1% drop)
Felsteel Annihilator(1% drop from Archimonde mythic)
Ashes of Al'ar(1% drop)
Both new ZG mounts(panther + raptor)
Ratstallion(kill 1000 players in Underbelly)
Brawler's Beast(unobtainable atm)
Challenger's War Yeti(unobtainable)
On the account there's also a 110 paladin with 865 ilevel. It has legendary gloves for Holy spec and has also cleared 7/7 HC. On the account there's also 150k gold on Alliance side(The Maelstrom) It also has the rare HIDDEN ARTIFACT for Holy unlocked - and is halfway through with Retribution(Corrupted Ashbringer skin).
It also has Artifact progression level 11/15.
The account has never been banned, and comes with Collector's Edition(Legion) and Collector's Edition(Warlords of Draenor). Along with that there is 8 other level 100 characters on the account, the following: HunterWarlockMageDHWarriorPaladinMonkRogue This account truly has everything - and is probably the most complete account on this website. Feel free to ask me anything about it, if you're interested.Have a good evening!"
Håber at der er nogle herinde der har interesse! :) NB; Den bliver ikke solgt billigt. Første-/minimumsbud er på 4.000 kr, hvilket den helt sikkert er værd.