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WTT/ Horde Druid, Immortal, BLACK Proto drake 310%

Af Ny på siden Bigbody | 10-06-2009 22:47 | 626 visninger | 5 svar, hop til seneste
har bare kopieret min annonce fra jeg sælger også min drood hvis det rette bud kommer! Hello, I expect you to have every single information, which is: SQ/A, CD-Key, Email Change - You must be original owner, or have real life relations with the original owner. Of course, I'm able to give the EXACT same information, since I'm the original owner of the account. Your character doesnt have to be equally pve geared, or title/mount wise. But please have decent pvp gear. My character: Tauren, Male, Druid, 80 Full valorous (tier 7.5) Restoration gear, rest of the items being itemlevel 213++ (which is naxx25/ulduar10) Offspec gear: Feral: 2/5 valorous (tier 7.5) shoulder and leggings. Rest are a mixture of naxx25 & hateful pvp set gear. This is excellent for farming dailies, grinding, boosting instances and anything else, you would like to do. This character also has a balance gear set, including tier 8.5 gloves. This is also a mixture of naxx25 & hateful pvp set gear. Worth Mentioning - Mount & Titles - the extraordinary, terrific Black Proto-Drake with a mount speed of 310%. This is unobtainable, and could only be awarded by glory of the raider set of achievements, earlier in the game. Another rare mount, is the Azure Drake, which also comes with this character. This is the rare mount drop, from the heroic difficulity of Eye of Eternity Heroic (Malygos 25) "The Immortal" title. You obtain this title by clearing whole naxx25(heroic) without ANYONE dying on the boss encounters. "Twilight Vanquisher" title. You obtain this by defeating Sarthartion with 3 drakes alive, on heroic difficulity. ::::::: This character currently has an amount of 8000 gold. However, as time passes, the gold may increase or decrease, but I will promise atleast 6000 gold on the account, as we trade. Please ask concerning this gold situation, if you wanna know the exact number, as we trade. What I'm searching for(Requirements): I'm searching for a horde character, that can fit my requirements within PvP(Arena). Priorities: Retribution Specced Paladin +++++ Arms Specced Warrior +++++ Unholy Specced Death Knight +++++ Rare Titles, Mounts & Items +++++ Decent PvE Equipment +++ ______________________________________ If I have got you this far, I'm sure youre more interested in this sweet account, and hopefully you've got something I'd like to hear about. So if you feel that you can fulfill my requirements and expectations, please contact me by MSN Messenger. If you have any questions concerning the requirements, or maybe have an extraordinary offer, which I havent set as an requirement, let me know. Contact Concerning Trade: [email protected]-> ADD This.
11-06-2009 08:00

Rapporter til Admin
Folk det er en scammer :) hvor mange forskellige tråde med forskelligt inhold om sin druid har han lige lavet?
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Ny på siden
11-06-2009 12:04

Rapporter til Admin
hvad snakker du om mand, jeg er fucking ikke nogen scammer jeg vil bare bytte / sælge mit account så luk røven. med mindre du har beviser på det
11-06-2009 15:56

Rapporter til Admin
Et armory link ville hjælpe en del. I hvært flad name og server.
Gæstebruger, opret dit eget <a href="/profil/opret">login</a> og få din egen signatur.
19-06-2009 13:45

Rapporter til Admin
Jeg er intra, har en god unholy DK, men vil gerne see armory, eller noget! :) Men er meget intra!
Gæstebruger, opret dit eget <a href="/profil/opret">login</a> og få din egen signatur.
19-06-2009 14:09

Rapporter til Admin
Resto druids er *vildt* gode i PvP. Jeg synes du skulle holde dig til druiden, hvis du kun bytter for at få en pvp minded class. Men hvis du er træt af druid classen, så er den vel i ok idé at bytte :) P.s Druids bliver bedre of bedre for hver arena season.
Man skal ikke excellere i fremmedord, man ikke er kompetent til at definere, da man så risikerer at abstrahere fra de relevante realiteter