Jeg er blevet træt af at game, og vil derfor gerne sælge min account. Den indeholder følgende:
Lvl: 70
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Spec: Fire (2/48/11)
PVE: 8/8 T6 og andet BT/Sunwell gear
PVP (unbuffed): 8953 hp, 245 resilience - 1 del s2, 2 dele s3, s3 dagger, neck, belt og boots, cloak fra badges og pvp trinket
Stats (unbuffed): 1220 fire spell dmg, 168 spell hit, 29,92% spell crit, 212 spell haste (13%)
Resistance: 243 shadow, 245 fire
Professions: Tailoring 375 (spellfire)/Enchanting 375/Cooking 375 (alle recipes)/Fishing 375/First aid 375
Honor: 14358 honor, 801 arena point, tomme 2v2 og 3v3 arena teams (begge 1500 rating)
Titles: Hand of A'dal, Champion of the Naaru, Challenger, Duelist, Sergeant
280% (flying): Normal gryphon, netherdrake, nether ray, cenarion hippogryph
100% (ground): ZA bear mount, swift steed, black tiger, kurenai talbuk, black ram, great elekk
Exalted med: Darnassus, Exodar, Gnomeregan Exiles, Ironforge, Stormwind, Stormpike Guard, Ashtongue Deathsworn, Cenarion Expedition, Honor Hold, Kurenai, Netherwing, Ogri'la, Sporeggar, The Consortium, Lower City, Sha'tari Skyguard, Shattered Sun Offensive, The Aldor, The Sha'tar, Keepers of Time, The Scale of the Sands, The Violet Eye - Har alle heroic keys
Attunements: Onyxia, MC, Naxx, Karazhan, The Eye, Black Temple
Gold: 3720
Lvl: 70
Race: Night Elf
Sex: Female
Spec: Balance (44/0/17)
PVE: 2/8 T6 og andet badge/ZA gear
PVP: 7834 hp, 68 resilience - 1 del s1, s3 neck og pvp trinket
Stats (unbuffed): 1216 spell damage, 150 spell hit, 21,96% spell crit, 17 spell haste (1%), 136 mp5 i combat
Off specs (unbuffed stats):
Feral tank: 12304 hp, 21347 armor, 434 defense rating, 26,84% dodge (bear form, balance specced)
Feral dps: 2596 attack power, 162 hit rating, 21,92% crit (cat form, balance specced)
Restoration: 1723 healing, 7,18% spell crit, 224 mp5 i combat (balance specced)
Professions: Herbalism 375/Alchemy 375 (potion master), kan lave en del flasks/Cooking 375 (alle recipes)/Fishing 375/First aid 375
Honor: 2223 honor, 1349 arena point
Titles: Hand of A'dal, Champion of the Naaru, Challenger, Private
280% (flying): Epic flight form
100% (ground): Raven Lord fra heroic Sethekk Halls, swift tiger
Exalted med: Stormpike Guard, Cenarion Expedition, Honor Hold, Ogri'la, Sporeggar, The Consortium, Lower City, Sha'tari Skyguard, Shattered Sun Offensive, The Scryers, The Sha'tar, Keepers of Time, The Violet Eye - Har alle heroic keys
Attunements: Karazhan, The Eye, Black Temple
Lvl: 70
Race: Night Elf
Sex: Female
Spec: Holy (19/42/0)
PVE: Karazhan/heroic badge gear
PVP: 8061 hp, 174 resilience - 1 del s1, s1 mace, offhand og wand, s2 ring, s3 ring og boots, pvp cloak
Stats (unbuffed): 2137 healing, 13,18% holy spell crit, 230 mp5 while casting, 478 spirit
Off spec (stats unbuffed):
Shadow: 1054 spell damage, 52 spell hit, 15,91% spell crit (holy specced)
Professions: Mining 375/Engineering 375/Cooking 111/First Aid 375
Honor: 10119 honor, 917 arena point
Titles: Champion of the Naaru, of the Shattered Sun
280% (flying): Flying machine, normal gryphon
100% (ground): Great elekk, swift steed
Exalted med: Darnassus, Exodar, Stormwind, Stormpike Guard, Cenarion Expedition, Honor Hold, Sporeggar, The Consortium, Shattered Sun Offensive, The Scryers, The Sha'tar, The Violet Eye - Har alle heroic keys
Attunements: Karazhan, The Eye
Lvl: 70
Race: Night Elf
Sex: Female
Spec: Beast Mastery (41/20/0)
PVE: Karazhan/heroic badge gear
PVP: 8260 hp, 0 resilience - Pvp trinket
Stats (unbuffed): 1731 attack power, 120 hit rating, 25,42% crit, 37 haste, 126 armor ignore
Pets: Lvl 70 cat, lvl 70 boar og lvl 67 raptor - har tæmmet alle de forskellige beasts som har specielle skills, så kan lære mine pets alle de forskellige abilities.
Professions: Skinning 375/Leatherworking 375/Cooking 123/First Aid 375
Honor: 6313 honor, 0 arena point, tomt 2v2 hold (1500 rating)
Titles: of the Shattered Sun, Corporal
280% (flying): Normal gryphon
100% (ground): Kurenai talbuk, swift tiger
Exalted med: Kurenai, Shattered Sun Offensive, The Violet Eye (halvvejs gennem revered med Scryers) - Har alle heroic keys
Attunements: Karazhan
Lvl: 70
Race: Gnome
Sex: Female
Spec: Combat (20/41/0)
PVE: Blåt/grønt - Lige dinget 70
PVP: Ingenting
Stats (unbuffed): 1272 attack power, 144 hit rating, 16,34% crit, 10 expertise
Professions: Herbalism 375/Alchemy 365 - Ingen specialization valgt endnu/First Aid 375
Lockpicking skill 154, Poisons skill 349
Honor: 1123 honor, 0 arena point
Titles: Ingen
60% (flying): Normal gryphon
100% (ground): Mechano strider
Reputation: Har heroic keys fra Cenarion Expedition og Honor Hold (næsten honored med Aldor)
Attunements: Ingen
Lvl: 70
Race: Draenei
Sex: Female
Spec: Retribution (5/11/45)
PVE: Blåt/grønt - Lige dinget 70
PVP: Ingenting
Stats (unbuffed): 1280 attack power, 54 hit rating, 20,17% crit, 19 spell damage, 8,57% spell crit
Off spec: Et par karazhan epics til tanking, ellers ikke noget der er værd at nævne
Professions: 290 Enchanting/212 Jewelcrafting/First Aid 375
Honor: 127 honor, 0 arena point
Titles: Ingen
60% (flying): Normal gryphon
100% (ground): Paladin mount
Exalted med: Exodar, har heroic keys fra Cenarion Expedition og Honor Hold (næsten honored med Aldor)
Attunements: Ingen
Lvl: 61
Race: Draenei
Sex: Female
Spec: Enhancement (0/44/8)
Professions: Skinning 305/Leatherworking 112
100% (ground): Elekk
Attunements: Ingen
Lvl 1 gnome i Ironforge
Egen guild bank med 3 tabs
Banken indeholder ca
-200 super mana potions
-200 super healing potions
-40 destruction potions
-10 superior wizard oils
-40 flame caps
-25 flasks of pure death
-80 adept's elixir
-80 elixir of major fortitude
-300 spell dmg food
-60 stamina food
-20 primal life
-20 primal water
-20 primal mana
-10 primal shadow
-10 primal nether
-180 ancient lichen
-40 netherbloom
-300 felweed
-260 dreaming glory
-100 dreamfoil
-60 golden sansam
-60 mana thistle
-280 terocone
-7 fel lotus
-140 sanguine hibiscus
-13 fel armaments
-200 marks of sargeras
-640 adamantite ore
-20 fel iron ore
-20 eternium ore
-3 pyrestone
-3 noble topaz
-4 star of elune
-6 living ruby
-7 talasite
-9 nightseye
-10 dawnstone
Hvis du er interesseret i en eller flere characters kan jeg kontaktes på
[email protected]
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