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Total budget and country of purchase:
I have a budget of 1000 euro. That's about as far as I can stretch it. I live in Denmark which mean prices are bumped a bit.
Do you prefer a 2 in 1 form factor, good battery life or best specifications for the money? Pick or include any that apply.I'm looking to find the best specifications for the money definitely. I don't mind not having the greatest battery life, but since it will be used for lectures I need to survive a bit on the battery.
How important is weight and thinness to you?
Wight and size is of no issue to me. I'm a 6"4 sporty dude so I don't mind some extra weight if it gives me better power, better cooling or improvements in some shape.
Which OS do you require?
Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, Linux.Windows. Doing civil engineering so loads of cad and math softwares that will only run on windows such as LaTex, Maple and so on.
Do you have a preferred screen size?
If indifferent, put N/A.I'm used to my home setup with two monitors and used to run three so 13 inches just becomes too small for my use. 14 inches or above. 15.6 seems to be the best for my use.
Are you doing any CAD/video editing/photo editing/gaming? List which programs/games you desire to run.
Will be using this for school mainly as I have my gaming pc at home. So maple, LaTex, Ti-nspire, solidworks, and whatever they make us use for java html and c++ programming. I will however maybe be using it to play the occasional game of overwatch with my uni mates that I'll hopefully make. please someone like me
I have also made over 1100 videos on youtube so might edit on it once a month but that shouldn't be a factor.
If you're gaming, do you have certain games you want to play? At what settings and FPS do you want?
Overwatch, PUBG, Factorio, Vanilla WoW (dude it's so good come join), darkest dungeon, and every game by popcap if the teacher is boring.
Any specific requirements such as good keyboard, reliable build quality, touch-screen, finger-print reader, optical drive or good input devices (keyboard/touchpad)?I'd be very happy if it could last until I've got my cand.polyt (civil engineering degree). Don't need cd drive, don't need a fingerprint reader... good keyboard would be nice since I'm used to cherry mx quality but it's a laptop, I'm okay with making compromises.
Leave any finishing thoughts here that you may feel are necessary and beneficial to the discussion.
Okay so in my country what I've seen makes the most sense is the lenovo legion y520 with a 1050ti. hereIt'll cost me 915 eur, 1074 usd, 837 gbp.
Now I do think the dell 7567 with the i5 7300 and gtx 1050 4GB is fucking sexy and the way better battery life just seems like a treat but it'll cost me
749 gbp on amazon.co.uk with the i5 7300 gtx 1050 4gb NON TI. If I wan't the 1050ti version the next step is 1050 gbp and will have the i7 and 1050 ti and 16 gigs of ram.
It seems to me what I want is an i5 and a gtx 1050 ti in the dell 7567 chassis for 1000 euro or less but I just can't find that anywhere. So would you guys go with the legion I linked to, or get the 1050 4gb version in the dell 7567 and take the extra battery life and save some money or do you maybe have a website with the 7567 cheaper in the 1050 ti version or maybe you'd go an entirely different brand?
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