2 sek
The box said "requires vista or better" so I bought a Mac.
Tak tak : )
I will create a GUI interface using visual basic and see if i can track and IP ! EPIC fail CSINY..
stolt P2P'er : )
Jeg ville nok omformulere ”We are using IT 24 hours 7 days per week„
Og denne ”We are using IT 24 hours 7 days per week„
Og denne ”seven days of the week„
Forresten så staves det iPod..
The box said "requires vista or better" so I bought a Mac.
Og her ”But is that what the so called IT or Information technology have done to us.„
The box said "requires vista or better" so I bought a Mac.
INGEN KOMMAER. Du må IKKE sætte komma som du gør på dansk. Skriv hellere korte sætninger.
"There are only 10 kind of people, those who understand binary and those who don't"
Ville måske skrive det sådan her:
By Mathias Smed
The era of technology and information technology, has begun.
We are using technology every day. Is this a step forward in the evolution of human mankind or is it a step backwards?
Every day we have mobile phones, iPods, computers, televisions, the World Wide Web and so on. All of this is evened to make our lives easier faster and comfortable, so we could have more free time.
But is that what the so called IT, Information technology, have done to us?
Lifting a burden from our shoulders and made our life easier than ever before?
Can it be true that it is healthy, to be connected to the world 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
But is that what the so called IT, Information technology, have done to us?
Lifting a burden from our shoulders and made our life easier than ever before?
Can it be true that it is healthy, to be connected to the world 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
The box said "requires vista or better" so I bought a Mac.
Jeg ville nok skrive:
Lav for helvede din egen prøve.
"Though I fly through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil for I am at 80,000 feet and climbing." #7
Du da kedelig ;)
The box said "requires vista or better" so I bought a Mac.
#8 det er da tåbeligt for #0 at risikere sin 10 klasse ved at snyde til en folkeskoleeksamen... Men det vælger #0 selvfølgelig selv...
Hvis det ikke er rigtigt det jeg skriver, så er det bare fordi jeg har udtalt mig om noget jeg ikke ved noget om...
”Men det vælger #0 selvfølgelig selv... „
The box said "requires vista or better" so I bought a Mac.
Hmm, nu er det jo også 10 klasse, så #0 kan ikke være for skarp :)
"There are only 10 kind of people, those who understand binary and those who don't"
Ville dog heller ikke anbefale ham at copy paste min i #6 da der er små fejl ^^
The box said "requires vista or better" so I bought a Mac.
hahah tak for hjaelpen :) men til #7 og andre saa er det lidt uden betydning hvad jeg faar eller ikke for for min proeve da jeg allerede har faaet arbejde i IBM de naeste 2 aar .. saa det var mere for sjov at jeg ville "Snyde":)
I will create a GUI interface using visual basic and see if i can track and IP ! EPIC fail CSINY..
stolt P2P'er : )
Derfor er det alligevel træls at blive dumpet - så man kan vel lige så godt være på den sikre side.
"Though I fly through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil for I am at 80,000 feet and climbing."