The correct way to fix the "Unapproved Caller SecurityAgent may only be invoked by Apple Software" error is to delete the contents of the /var/folders/ directory. Most users experience this error when trying to have the system use elevated privileges like unlocking the System Preferences to make changes.
This occurs on systems that have recently been upgraded to Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks. The upgrade process fails to complete a specific task that is meant to remove cached files from that location. There is a Launch Daemon at "/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ " that is meant to remove the files from the /var/folders location every 3 days.
Removing the contents of this folder does not affect the system as they are only cached files. This will only need to be done once, then a RESTART of the system and the Unapproved Caller error will go away.[...]
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