Jeg har lige købt en Bo server fra gameservers.com
Den er oppe og det virker fint, jeg kan lave om på navnet og skrive console kommands osv, fra console "½" i spillet.
Men jeg kan ikke finde ud af hvordan jeg laver den HC og fx, only nuketown og CTF. Jeg har disse kommands som der er fra hjemmesiden.
Jeg har brugt (/rcon setadmindvar sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map mp_array map mp_cairo ... " )
Men jeg kan bare ikke få det til at virke.
These commands are meant to be used from the in game console. To bring this up, press the ~ key on your keyboard. If you are using a third party rcon tool, you can leave off the '/rcon' from the beginning of the command.
Before you execute any rcon command, you must use the following: (Replace yourpassword with the rcon password to your server)
/rcon login yourpassword
To get a list of players connected to your server, use the following command:
/rcon teamstatus
The player numbers returned from the above command can be used as the client ID in the below commands. This is handy if a players name contains characters you cannot type.
Player commands:
/rcon kick (username) (optional reason)
/rcon clientkick (client ID)
/rcon tempbanuser (username)
/rcon tempbanclient (client ID)
/rcon banuser (username)
/rcon banclient (client ID)
General commands
/rcon say (message)
/rcon playlist - shows available playlists
Configuration Settings:
/rcon setadmindvar sv_hostname (new hostname)
/rcon setadmindvar sv_maxPing (new maximum ping)
/rcon setadmindvar sv_minPing (new minimum ping)
/rcon setadmindvar playlist (new playlist number)
/rcon setadmindvar sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map mp_array map mp_cairo ... " (replace tdm and map names as you like)
/rcon setadmindvar scr_motd "Message of the day!"
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