Hey Drenge..
EU pvp realm.. PCT: UP..
Salg af min mage med følgende gear:
Head: Spellstrike Hood (95spell,16sta,12int,24crit-rate,30hit-rate)
Necklace: Natasha's Arcane Filament (29spell,22sta,10int)
Shoulders: Mantle of the Mind Flayer (32spell,30sta,26int,13crit-rate,20pene)
Back: Baba's Cloak of Arcanistry (22spell,15sta,15int,14crit-rate)
Chest: Spellfire Vest (90spell,17int,6+allstats,28crit-rate)
Wrist: Shattrath Wrist (25spell,22sta,27int)
Hands: Spellfire Gloves: (88spell,10int,23crit-rate)
Waist: Spellfire Belt: (68spell,15int,18crit-rate)
Legs: Spellstrike Pants: (98spell,27sta,8int,26crit-rate,22hit-rate)
Feets: Boots of Blasphemy: (35spell,33sta,28int)
Ring: Band of the Guardian: (23spell,11int,17crit-rate,15pene)
Ring: Violet Signet(revered): (25spell,19sta,20int,14crit-rate)
Trinket: Vengeance of the Illidari: (26crit-rate,pops for 120spell/15sec)
Trinket: Xi'ri's Gift: (32crit-rate, pops for 150spell/15secs)
MH: Eternium Runed Blade: (200spell,10crit-rate)
OH: Lamp of Peachfull Radiance: (21spell,13sta,14int,13crit-rate,12hit-rate)
Wand: Nesingwary Safari Stick: (14spell, 12crit-rate)
JaaRR.. er lang satan.. Vil ikke afvise en tastefejl eller 2.. men alt i alt gir det selvbuffed:
30% crit
8% hit
Spellstrike sættet proccer ganske ofte og giver 92spelldamage bonus..
Ligeledes har char'en 375 tailoring med følgende rare patterns:
Spellstrike Hood
Whitemend Hood
Battlecast Hood
Battlecast Pants
også selvfølgelig spellfire tailor..
Desuden Transmutation Master = insane procs med Primal Might etc..
Thrallmar, Cenarion Expidition, Sha'tar, Cavens of Times, Violet Eye, Scryer.. alle revered.
Lowercity mangler cirka 3k rep..
Access til KZ og alle de gamle raidinstances..
Små 100g på char'en til en start..
Pris: ???.. shoot some hoops.. ikke under 1300kr.-
noget jeg har glemt?? poke endelig i så fald.
mvh Dessie - smid msn og vi tar den ze'online
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