Hjælper lidt en knægt med at fixe hans nye build der fryser for ham. Jeg har linket til den reddit tråd jeg har da det er en længere test og reddit formatting ikke er så flinkt til copy pasta. Håber nogen kan hjælpe os!
Describe your problem. List any error messages and symptoms. Be descriptive.
After booting a game, in this case overwatch or CS:GO, it'll within 5 minutes come with the error "your rendering device has been lost" and freeze the system.
List anything you've done in attempt to diagnose or fix the problem.
Tried updating all of the drivers for the MOBO through Asus website, tried updating the bios to the latest non beta version. Updated Nvidia drivers, tried with geforce experience, without it and tried just letting windows install the drivers it thinks are the best without nvidia software removing drivers with DDU tool in between each try. Tried underclocking the GPU through afterburner by first 50 mhz on both core and memory then 100 then 200 mhz underclock. Tried running all fans at max but gpu is cool throughout the entire process no matter what.
[email protected]|h100i|Maximus V Gene|gtx 680hawk|Samsung green @2666mhz|hyperX 120gb ssd|WD black 1tb 7200rpm|Lg wd2363d|Barracuda 3 tb|