Du kan også dele med andre bare lidt tricky :)
Essentially you "change" your current account with email "
[email protected]" to "
example+[email protected]"
in your OnePlus My Account settings. After changing you must confirm the change from the "
[email protected]" gmail account you originally used. Then you will receive an additional confirmation at email at "
example+[email protected]" (Which again, gmail treats your email with any "+" characters as the same thing". Once you've verified your old OnePlus account is moved over to "
example+[email protected]", create a new OnePlus account with the original "
[email protected]" email address that the reservation invite is valid for. Proceed with claiming the invite on the newly created OnePlus account that uses your old "
[email protected]" email address. Once claimed, once again make an email change for the "
example+[email protected]" to the intended purchasers email address. After you've completed the confirmation and the purchaser has confirmed the account transfer on their end, you can change your "
example+[email protected]" back to "
[email protected]" on the OnePlus site.
Gammel - Ja, men jeg kan stadig :)