ja, her er lidt mere information:
For company contact information, support information, or information about this product, go online to the Valve Corporation website:
Valve Corporation
If you are unable to fix this problem and continue to receive errors, you can also uninstall Half-Life 2 Game Engine.
How do I uninstall a program?
Click to open Programs and Features.
Select a program, and then click Uninstall. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
If the program that you want to uninstall is not listed, it might not have been written for this version of Windows. To uninstall the program, check the information that came with the program.
Og så kommer der en slags log her:
Navn på problemhændelse: APPCRASH
Programnavn: hl2.exe
Tidsstempel for program: 4445c334
Fejlmodulnavn: filesystem_steam.dll_unloaded
Tidsstempel for fejlmodul: 471407e0
Undtagelseskode: c0000005
Undtagelsesforskydning: 03005556
OS-version: 6.0.6001.
Landestandard-id: 1030
Yderligere oplysninger 1: a3a2
Yderligere oplysninger 2: a32455ec82ce1fffb6cd7b56973292f2
Yderligere oplysninger 3: 3f43
Yderligere oplysninger 4: 5701b8e280c89fa54c22df2d004a5c88
Problem caused by Half-Life 2 Game Engine
Your computer experienced a problem that was caused by Half-Life 2 Game Engine, a product created by Valve Corporation.
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